DAG based key value store. Sharded DAG that minimises traversals and work to build shards.
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- 🎬 Watch the Presentation.
go get github.com/storacha/go-pail
package main
import (
cidlink "github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/linking/cid"
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
rootBlock, _ := pail.New()
blocks := block.NewMapBlockstore()
_ = blocks.Put(ctx, rootBlock)
fmt.Printf("Root: %s\n", rootBlock.Link())
key := "room-guardian.jpg"
value := cidlink.Link{Cid: cid.MustParse("bafkreigh2akiscaildcqabsyg3dfr6chu3fgpregiymsck7e7aqa4s52zy")}
fmt.Printf("Putting %s: %s\n", key, value)
root, diff, _ := pail.Put(ctx, blocks, rootBlock.Link(), key, value)
fmt.Printf("Root: %s\n", root)
fmt.Println("Added blocks:")
for _, b := range diff.Additions {
fmt.Printf("+ %s\n", b.Link())
_ = blocks.Put(ctx, b)
fmt.Println("Removed blocks:")
for _, b := range diff.Removals {
fmt.Printf("- %s\n", b.Link())
_ = blocks.Del(ctx, b.Link())
for entry := range pail.Entries(ctx, blocks, root) {
fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", entry.Key, entry.Value)
// Output:
// Root: bafyreiesj77bspnvajezltkvavgngyve7pucqcx527s42jzmo66tdewg44
// Putting room-guardian.jpg: bafkreigh2akiscaildcqabsyg3dfr6chu3fgpregiymsck7e7aqa4s52zy
// Root: bafyreidijignftc2p2dgt32eu2d5ge24jo74xxbmcn4clxuvfd52wo6sve
// Added blocks:
// + bafyreidijignftc2p2dgt32eu2d5ge24jo74xxbmcn4clxuvfd52wo6sve
// Removed blocks:
// - bafyreiesj77bspnvajezltkvavgngyve7pucqcx527s42jzmo66tdewg44
// Entries:
// room-guardian.jpg: bafkreigh2akiscaildcqabsyg3dfr6chu3fgpregiymsck7e7aqa4s52zy
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