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themes: add Catppuccin Mocha Blue theme (#72)
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* add template for code block

* add colour variables

* finish code-block.css

* first version of catppuccin mocha blue theme

* no longer using css vars

* make base primary separator match background

* make editor border closer in colour to background

* adjustments to border and editor toolbar
  • Loading branch information
revsuine authored Mar 3, 2024
1 parent 3f63f4e commit b0dd99a
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Showing 2 changed files with 372 additions and 0 deletions.
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions themes/catppuccin-mocha-blue/v1/code-block.css
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
* Catppuccin Mocha
* If this is an adaptation of an existing theme, credit the creator and/or leave a link to it!
* By @revsuine
* Licenced under the GPL v3

* How to use this template:
* This file contains all the boilerplate necessary for a Prism theme along with template rules for you to fill in.
* All properties with the value `unset` are for you to change.
* You should fill in all `color` and `background` properties.
* If you don't need an `unset` property (e.g. `border-radius`), then feel free to remove it.
* You are also free to add more properties that aren't stated, such as `text-shadow`.
* If you wish to style the plugins, you may grab their selectors from their respective .css files in the template folder.
* Your finished theme should have all `unset` properties either filled in or removed.

/* COLOURS: */
:root {
--rosewater: #f5e0dc;
--flamingo: #f2cdcd;
--pink: #f5c2e7;
--mauve: #cba6f7;
--red: #f38ba8;
--maroon: #eba0ac;
--peach: #fab387;
--yellow: #f9e2af;
--green: #a6e3a1;
--teal: #94e2d5;
--sky: #89dceb;
--sapphire: #74c7ec;
--blue: #89b4fa;
--lavender: #b4befe;
--text: #cdd6f4;
--subtext1: #bac2de;
--subtext0: #a6adc8;
--overlay2: #9399b2;
--overlay1: #7f849c;
--overlay0: #6c7086;
--surface2: #585b70;
--surface1: #45475a;
--surface0: #313244;
--base: #313244;
--mantle: #181825;
--crust: #11111b;

/* Set the main properties of the code, code blocks, and inline code */
pre[class*="language-"] {
background: #11111b;
color: #cdd6f4;
font-family: "JetBrainsMonoNL Nerd Font", monospace; /* this is the default */
/* The following properties are standard, please leave them as they are */
font-size: 1em;
direction: ltr;
text-align: left;
white-space: pre;
word-spacing: normal;
word-break: normal;
line-height: 1.5;
/* The default is 4, but you could change it if you really, really want to */
-moz-tab-size: 4;
-o-tab-size: 4;
tab-size: 4;
/* The following properties are also standard */
-webkit-hyphens: none;
-moz-hyphens: none;
-ms-hyphens: none;
hyphens: none;

/* Optional: What the code looks like when highlighted */
code[class*="language-"] ::-moz-selection,
pre[class*="language-"] ::-moz-selection {
background: rgba(88, 91, 112, 0.6);

code[class*="language-"] ::selection,
pre[class*="language-"] ::selection {
background: rgba(88, 91, 112, 0.6);

/* Properties specific to code blocks */
pre[class*="language-"] {
padding: 1em; /* this is standard */
margin: 0.5em 0; /* this is the default */
overflow: auto; /* this is standard */
border-radius: unset;

/* Properties specific to inline code */
:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"] {
padding: 0.1em; /* this is the default */
border-radius: unset;
white-space: normal; /* this is standard */

* These are the minimum tokens you must style, you can rearrange them and/or style more tokens as you want
* The concepts behind these standard tokens, as well as some examples, can be found here:
.token.comment {
color: #6c7086;

.token.prolog {
color: #6c7086;

.token.cdata {
color: #6c7086;

.token.doctype {
color: #6c7086;

.token.punctuation {
color: #9399b2;

.token.entity {
color: unset;

.token.attr-name {
color: #eba0ac;

.token.class-name {
color: #f9e2af;

.token.boolean {
color: #cba6f7;

.token.number {
color: #fab387;

.token.atrule {
color: #f9e2af;

.token.tag {
color: #cba6f7;
} {
color: #eba0ac;

.token.symbol {
color: #f5c2e7;

.token.deleted {
background: rgba(243, 139, 168, 0.2);

.token.important {
color: #f9e2af;

.token.selector {
color: #89b4fa;

.token.char {
color: #a6e3a1;

.token.builtin {
color: #f38ba8;

.token.inserted {
background: rgba(166, 227, 161, 0.2);

.token.regex {
color: #f5c2e7;

.token.attr-value {
color: #a6e3a1;

.token.variable {
color: #f5c2e7;

.token.operator {
color: #89dceb;

.token.function {
color: #89b4fa;

.token.url {
color: #89b4fa;

/* The following rules are pretty similar across themes, but feel free to adjust them */
.token.bold {
font-weight: bold;

.token.italic {
font-style: italic;

.token.entity {
cursor: help;

.token.namespace {
opacity: 0.7;

/* If you'd like your theme to have overrides for specific languages, here's an example, you can remove it and/or add more overrides */
/* .language-css .token.important {
color: unset;
} */

130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions themes/catppuccin-mocha-blue/v1/theme.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
"$schema": "",
"name": "Catppuccin Mocha Blue",
"id": "catppuccin-mocha-blue",
"version": 1,
"license": "GPL-3.0-or-later",
"homepage": "",
"description": "Catppuccin Mocha with a blue highlihgt",
"colorScheme": "dark",
"compatibilityVersion": 1,
"authors": [
"name": "revsuine"
"scopes": {
"base": {
"primary": {
"accent": "#89b4fa",
"paragraph": "#cdd6f4",
"background": "#181825",
"border": "#313244",
"heading": "#cdd6f4",
"icon": "#bac2de",
"separator": "#181825",
"placeholder": "#7f849c",
"hover": "#45475a",
"accentForeground": "#11111b",
"backdrop": "#11111b99"
"secondary": {
"accent": "#89b4fa",
"paragraph": "#cdd6f4",
"background": "#11111b",
"border": "#6c7086",
"heading": "#cdd6f4",
"icon": "#cdd6f4",
"separator": "#6c7086",
"placeholder": "#7f849c",
"hover": "#45475a",
"accentForeground": "#11111b",
"backdrop": "#11111b99"
"disabled": {
"accent": "#89b4fa",
"paragraph": "#cdd6f4",
"background": "#7f849c",
"border": "#6c7086",
"heading": "#cdd6f4",
"icon": "#cdd6f4",
"separator": "#6c7086",
"placeholder": "#cdd6f4",
"hover": "#45475a",
"accentForeground": "#11111b",
"backdrop": "#11111b99"
"selected": {
"accent": "#89b4fa",
"paragraph": "#cdd6f4",
"background": "#313244",
"border": "#89b4fa",
"heading": "#cdd6f4",
"icon": "#89b4fa",
"separator": "#6c7086",
"placeholder": "#7f849c",
"hover": "#45475a",
"accentForeground": "#11111b",
"backdrop": "#11111b99"
"error": {
"accent": "#f38ba8",
"paragraph": "#f38ba8",
"background": "#1e1e2e",
"border": "#6c7086",
"heading": "#f38ba8",
"icon": "#f38ba8",
"separator": "#6c7086",
"placeholder": "#f38ba8",
"hover": "#45475a",
"accentForeground": "#11111b",
"backdrop": "#11111b99"
"success": {
"accent": "#a6e3a1",
"paragraph": "#a6e3a1",
"background": "#1e1e2e",
"border": "#6c7086",
"heading": "#a6e3a1",
"icon": "#a6e3a1",
"separator": "#6c7086",
"placeholder": "#7f849c",
"hover": "#45475a",
"accentForeground": "#11111b",
"backdrop": "#11111b99"
"statusBar": {
"primary": {
"background": "#1e1e2e",
"separator": "#1e1e2e"
"list": {
"selected": {
"background": "#313244"
"editor": {
"primary": {
"background": "#1e1e2e",
"border": "#313244"
"editorToolbar": {
"secondary": {
"background": "#585b70"
"navigationMenu": {
"primary": {
"background": "#11111b"
"sheet": {
"selected": {
"paragraph": "#008837"

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