This is a demonstration on how to get connect-inject working with the helm chart consul-helm. This is not a generic demo of how to use consul-helm, and we mostly assume that you have already run and understand consul-helm.
- helm installed on this machine and tiller installed.
- kubectl configured and pointed to the k8s cluster you want to test with.
- This will work on osx and linux as is, on a windows client just examine any of the simple scripts and run the appropriate commands.
- I have only tested this with a 3 node cloud based k8s cluster. I've tested with AKS and will soon test AWS. I do not know how this performs on minikube, this is probably something that doesn't translate well to minikube.
- The consul-helm requests 10gb storage on each server node by default. You will need to have sufficient storages on your nodes.
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