Unreleased! At the moment I can't release this package to the elm package manager because it is using Native code. If you still want to expirement with it you can install it directly from GitHub. β€οΈ
Use typed CSS inside your Elm files to style your Html elements.
elm-package install styled-components/elm-styled
This creates two Elm functions, title and wrapper.
import Html exposing (..)
import Styled exposing (..)
import Styled.Colors exposing (pink, lightYellow)
title =
styled h1
[ fontSize (Styled.em 1.5)
, textAlign center
, color pink
, fontFamily monospace
wrapper =
styled div
[ padding (Styled.em 4)
, backgroundColor lightYellow
You render them like every other Elm node.
main =
wrapper []
[ title []
[ text "Hello World, this is my first styled function π
" ]
We can create a simple button function and using this function to create a new styled function. The new styled function will have all of the styles from both styled functions.
import Html exposing (div, text)
import Styled exposing (..)
import Styled.Colors exposing (white, pink)
button =
styled Html.button
[ backgroundColor white
, color pink
, fontSize (Styled.em 1)
, margin (Styled.em 1)
, padding2 (Styled.em 0.25) (Styled.em 1)
, border (px 2) solid pink
, borderRadius (px 3)
primaryButton =
styled button
[ backgroundColor pink
, color white
main =
[ button [] [ text "Normal" ]
, primaryButton [] [ text "Primary" ]
If you want to have dynamic styles you can create a function which will return a styled function.
import Html exposing (..)
import Styled exposing (..)
import Styled.Colors exposing (red, yellow, green)
light paint =
styled div
[ backgroundColor paint
, borderRadius (percent 50)
, display inlineBlock
, height (px 60)
, width (px 60)
, margin (px 20)
trafficLight =
div []
[ light red [] []
, light yellow [] []
, light green [] []
main =
CSS animations with @keyframes aren't scoped to a single function but you still don't want them to be global. This is why we export a keyframes helper which will generate a unique name for your keyframes. You can then use that unique name throughout your app.
import Html exposing (..)
import Styled exposing (..)
import Styled.Keyframes exposing (keyframes)
import Styled.Transforms exposing (rotate)
import Styled.Timings exposing (linear)
spin =
[ ( 0
, [ transform (rotate (deg 0))
, ( 100
, [ transform (rotate (deg 360))
loader =
styled div
[ display inlineBlock
, animationName spin
, animationDuration (Styled.s 2)
, animationTimingFunction linear
, animationIterationCount infinite
main =
loader [] [ text "[ π
]" ]