A react-based algorithms visualizer, built without any UI library. You can view live here.
Each grid cell represents a node in a implicit graph.
- Each node has 4 adjacent node
- The distance between adjecent node is 1 unit
Search algorithms
- Depth-First Search
- Breadth-First Search
- A* Search
- Dijkstra
Pattern generation algorithms
- Basic random
- Randomized DFS
- Recursive division
- Kruskal's Algorithm
- Prim's Algorithm
Draw your own wall nodes with mouse
Drag and drop the source and target nodes
Control animation speed
Each bar represent a positive integer value and we compare two value to sort in ascending order
Sorting Algorithms
- Bubble sort
- Selection sort
- Insertion sort
- Quick sort
- Merge sort
Control size of bars
Generate new random bars
Control animation speed
Each grid represent a positive interger number
- we check the number is prime or not
- if the number is prime then mark as a circle
- Count the total of prime numbers
- Creating Spiral from the center of grid
The whole square grid represent chess board and A queen can attack the other queens by moving any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally the algorithm place the queen column by column and check the queen attack each other or not...
- Resize the chess board
- Control animation speed
# To install all dependencies of the project.
> npm install
# To run the app on http://localhost:3000.
> npm run start
# To build the bundled app for production on the `build` folder.
> npm run build
> npm run deploy
I took inspirations from the following sources for some of the segments.
: This Projects That Got Me Into GoogleSorting
: Sorting Visualizer Tutorial (software engineering project)Spiral of Primes
: Coding a Spiral of PrimesN-Queen Problem
: Algorithm Visualizer
- implementing algorithm to visualize
- initialize each cell to object/class
- JS Promise to run animation asyncronusly
- array destructure (usestate hooks)
- reference and copy variable
- difference between == and === .For example "false===0" it's false
- For only use React state/useState to re-render dom-elememt. otherwise use global variable to access from all corner
- writing re-useable code