Above is the architecture on how to build a machine learning workflow on AWS . This repository has code which can be used to build a machine learning workflow to enable the Model running on a endpoint to be called by external application through API gateway or to store the model results on a S3 bucket which in turn can be visualized using Athena and Tableau .
Download and Install Anaconda Python in your local machine Recommended: Python 3.6 or later https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/ Install Instructions: Windows, macOS, Linux To Test the installation, from Anaconda Prompt, run the command: python --version
Install Boto3 SDK in your local machine From Anaconda Prompt, run the command: conda install -c anaconda boto3 https://anaconda.org/anaconda/boto3
Install SageMaker SDK in your local machine. From Anaconda Prompt, run the command: pip install sagemaker https://github.com/aws/sagemaker-python-sdk
You can now clone the source code for this content to your local machine From your local directory, run this command git clone
SageMaker SDK now requires couple of additional permissions. Logon with my_admin account and open IAM Management Console
Look for Policies
Search for SageMakerInvokeEndpoint policy.
If you have not already created a SageMakerInvokeEndpoint policy then follow the below steps to create one.
Edit Policy
Select JSON and paste the below JSON policy, review and save the changes { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sagemaker:DescribeEndpointConfig", "sagemaker:DescribeEndpoint", "sagemaker:InvokeEndpoint" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
This requires Three major services on AWS namely Sagemaker,lambda and API Gateway.
This approach is useful for scenarios of Sub second latency
Train a model and deloy it to an Endpoint on AWS. In this respository we are taking data from Kaggle Bike Sharing Demand Dataset Reference: https://www.kaggle.com/c/bike-sharing-demand/data
You can find the Notebook file which is used to analyze and Deploy to an endpoint in the xgboost folder of the repository. Given below is an image showing information on various files in that folder.
Once the model is deployed , A lambda function will be used to act as a trigger between API calls through API getway to the model endpoint and response from the model endpoint back to API gateway. Transformations such as data wrangling,formatting etc is done by the lambda functions.
API gateway needs to configured to get PUT requests and should be configured to push/ recieve information from the Lambda function created above.
For scenarios where subsecond latency is not required , Inferences can be run on a scheduled basis or when new data flows into S3. These inferences are triggered by a lambda function when new data flows into S3. This lambda function will make the required transformations need to the data before running it against a specific model endpoint. The results are stored in the S3 bucket and Athena/EMR can be used on top of it to query the results and visualize that in Tableau or any other data analytics software.
we will look at Matson Navigation stock prices for last 20 years ( data downloaded from Yahoo finance) and predict using a Linear learner model. this will be solving a binary classification problem. We will use the concept of adding lags for 1 week of data to look for trends. This Model will save the results in a S3 bucket . A lambda function similar to bike training use case can be used to run the data against the hosted endpoint whenever new data moves into the specific S3 bucket it will trigger the lambda function ( image below)
The notebook for the Stock prediction can be found in the Matson Stock Prediction Folder.
All the deployed Model in Production can be monitored for the following Metrics.
- Input data quality
- Algorithm specific Metrics
- Model accuracy or loss function results during training phases
- Distributional characteristics of predictions, classifications, and/or parameter estimate
- CPU, memory, and GPU utilization
Refer to the following Link : https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/use-amazon-cloudwatch-custom-metrics-for-real-time-monitoring-of-amazon-sagemaker-model-performance/
AWS also offer a service specifically designed for Model performance called Sagemaker Model Monitor.
More details here : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/model-monitor.html#model-monitor-how-it-works
- Deploying Custom Machine Learning Models built on various Frameworks by building custom Docker containers.
- Deploying Multiple Models to single Endpoint.
- Hyper Parameter Tuning jobs – Schedule .
- Batch Transform Millions of records and get inferences for them .
- Amazon SageMaker Studio
- Amazon Model Monitor
- Amazon AutoPilot