Emulation for NXP Kinetis KE02Z microcontroller using Renode.
Get and Set VectorTable Offset:
sysbus.cpu VectorTableOffset // get
sysbus.cpu VectorTableOffset 0xYourValue //set
Enable logging of function names:
cpu LogFunctionNames true true
Enable logging of all Peripherals access:
sysbus LogAllPeripheralsAccess true
Enable logging of specific Peripheral access:
sysbus LogPeripheralAccess uart1
Loading a peripheral using script in a string:
machine LoadPlatformDescriptionFromString 'uart1: UART.KE02Z_UART @ sysbus 0x4006B000 { IRQ -> nvic@13 }'
Create Server Socket:
emulation CreateServerSocketTerminal 3456 "term" // OR
emulation CreateServerSocketTerminal 3456 "term" false // to suppress initial config bytes
connector Connect sysbus.uart0 term
Assign a binary executable file to a variable:
$bin?=@F:\workspaces\mcuXpresso-ws\MKE02Z4_Blinky\Debug\MKE02Z4_Blinky.axf // or
$bin?=@C:\Users\sulem\mcuXpresso-ws\MKE02Z4_Blinky\Release\MKE02Z4_Blinky.axf // or
$bin?=@F:\workspaces\mcuXpresso-ws\ecu\mcux\microjet_ecu\Debug\microjet_ecu.axf // etc
Load binary(.bin or .hex) file:
# Load the bootloader. The address has to be specified as the binary files do not contain
# any addressing information.
sysbus LoadBinary $boot 0xffffe000 # OR
sysbus LoadBinary $bin 0x0
Load Elf file:
sysbus LoadELF $bin