This material was developed for a pilot 2-day workshop at the University of Warwick in March 2022, associated with the Sulis tier 2 HPC service and funded by EPSRC grant EP/W032201/1.
This version is the material used in the pilot and contains instructions/examples tailored to the Sulis HPC service. It is forked from the upstream repository of Dr Michael Schubert to retain the Sulis specific elements.
- Capabilities of the computing cluster
- How to connect
- Starting a basic job
- Copying and editing files via the command-line
- Interactive jobs, batch jobs
package, cluster objects, andfuture
- The
plugin to interactively develop in a remote session - Persistent server sessions using
- An MCMC breakpoint detection method as example
- Tasks vs. threads for bigger jobs
- R packages for HPC use:
- GNU parallel and GNU make
- Snakemake
- The
R package
- Possibility for attendees to work on their own projects with help from the instructors