Fill in the the incomplete files to complete a React app that displays random animal facts. Follow the errors in your browser, and make the tests pass complete this app. You'll be working in the following files:
- App.jsx
- FactsList.jsx
- Fact.jsx
It is reccomended to complete the requirements in an order similar to the outline below:
1 | Create a class component, App, in the App.jsx file which holds the animal facts (from data.jsx file) in state |
2 | Pass the animal facts down from the App component to the FactsList component |
TIP | Use chrome dev tools for React to check the values of state and props in each component as you work through this challenge...or console.log to check |
3 | In FactsList.jsx, dynamically render the data HINT: use the map method to render each item in the data array to a Fact component |
4 | Fill in the Fact component with the data that's been passed down through props. Consider what data type a single item from the animalFacts array in data.jsx is |
5 | Create an event handler function called handleFavoriteClick in App.jsx which updates the state of favorite with the name of the animal that is favorited |
TIP | Start by just adding a console.log statemet like console.log(Clicked!) in the handleFavoriteClick function to see if you can get the function to fire |
6 | Pass the handleFavoriteClick method down from the App component to the Fact component |
7 | Connect handleFavoriteClick to an onClick event attached to the button in Fact.jsx. HINT: add a value property to the button and set equal to the animal name |
TIP | You can console.log( in the handleFavoriteClick function to check if you've set the correct value for the Favorite button onClick event |
To get started:
Navigate to the project Directory
$ cd ReactMiniChallenge
Install the dependencies
$ npm install
Start the dev server
$ npm run dev-server
Check if tests are passing
$ npm run test
React | Express | Webpack | Babel | Jest | Enzyme |