This project is all about using Saleforce API’s + Core Java + Embedded DB = Build Your Own Dataloader.
For details regarding the project please download the project and have a look at the doc folder, there will be a presentation with explanation on what this project is all about.
Note: - This is just a sample App, created for use cases mentioned in my presentation but it has all the potential to turn this in to a tool which fits your Organization.
Do try this @ your office. :)
Fill the properties file with relevant details, (/conf/
sfdc.username=your salesforce user login sfdc.password=your salesforce user password sfdc.stoken=your security token sfdc.appurl= //Can be changed to test to load data in to your Sandbox. sfdc.managedPackage=false sfdc.partnerUrl= sfdc.metadataUrl= sfdc.apexUrl=
Create your own ETL job config, (/resources/jobs)
There are sample job file kept in this location, it’s straight forward to fill this information and please go through the code to look up what all properties I am using currently since I have put additional information or keys for future expansion.
Start reading the code. A good starting point would be,
- --> Code for different types of connection (Partner, Metadata, Apex).
- com.dreamforce.demo.sfdc.api --> In this package, I have placed the code dealing with SFDC Bulk/Rest Api
- com.dreamforce.demo.db --> H2 DB operations
- --> Global class to initialize project and hold static members.
- --> Code having the main execution context and also all the procession related to ETL is placed in here.
Execute the required job defined in the JSON from (main method).
Look out for Dreamforce.log or console for progress.
Beneath this project there is an idea and ideas are bulletproof!