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Build a SaaS AI Platform with Next.js, React, Tailwind, Prisma, Stripe | Full Tutorial 2023


github 源地址

Open AI - 国外访问不了,使用了代理 api -

Replicate - 需要绑定银行卡,改用 postgresql -


  • Tailwind design
  • Tailwind animations and effects
  • Full responsiveness
  • Clerk Authentication (Email, Google, 9+ Social Logins)
  • Client form validation and handling using react-hook-form
  • Server error handling using react-toast
  • Image Generation Tool (Open AI)
  • Video Generation Tool (Replicate AI)
  • Conversation Generation Tool (Open AI)
  • Music Generation Tool (Replicate AI)
  • Page loading state
  • Stripe monthly subscription
  • Free tier with API limiting
  • How to write POST, DELETE, and GET routes in route handlers (app/api)
  • How to fetch data in server react components by directly accessing database (WITHOUT API! like Magic!)
  • How to handle relations between Server and Child components!
  • How to reuse layouts
  • Folder structure in Next App Router