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Vanilla JavaScript web component that makes web content self-destruct, meaning it removes itself from the DOM. It has no dependencies.

It can be used to easily implement timers, alerts, toasts, and other temporary content.


  • Fades out just before being removed
  • Honors the browser’s reduced motion preference to disable fade animation, or explicitly disable the animation
  • Ability to specify the TTL (time to live). 5 seconds is the default.
  • Optionally shows a progress indicator of the countdown (seconds, pie chart, bar)
  • On hover and on click event interactivity
  • Light DOM so its elements can be styled with CSS
  • Progressive enhancement, so the content simply won’t self-destruct if the custom element fails to load


Import the custom element and wrap your content to destroy.

<script type="module" src="SelfDestruct.js"></script>

<!-- wrap password inputs in custom element -->
  <p>This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds.</p>

<!-- add optional attributes to the custom element -->
<self-destruct ttl="12.5s" progress="pie">
  <p>This message will self-destruct in 12½ seconds. <button type="button" class="self-destruct">Close now</button>


Attribute name Type Behavior
no-animation n/a Add this attribute to disable fade animation regardless of reduced motion preference
on-click String Specify the behavior of when the main element is clicked. See Interactivity below.
on-hover String Specify the behavior of when the main element is hovered over. See Interactivity below.
progress String Name of the timeout animation, if any. Valid options are: bar, pie, seconds.
progress-target String Use this selector (within the scope of the main element) to place the progress indicator instead of adding its own
ttl String or Int Time to live in milliseconds, or use #s or #ms. E.g., .2s = 0.2s = 200ms = 200

Note: progress indicators do not show up when the initial TTL is less than 1 second.


Both on-click and on-hover can specify what happens when the the main element is clicked or hovered via the mouse respectively.

Value Behavior
pause Pauses the countdown timer. For on-click, tapping the element again will resume the countdown. For on-hover, the countdown will only resume when then mouse leaves the main element.
prevent Prevents the self-destruct from happening.
reset Resets the countdown timer to the initial TTL value. With on-hover, the countdown will only resume when the mouse leaves the main element.

Note: the element will always look for a click event on anything within it that has a .self-destruct class and will immediately trigger the self-destruct upon such a click.


  • .self-destruct-progress targets the timeout progress indicator
  • .self-destruct-progress-bar targets the timeout bar
  • .self-destruct-svg targets the timeout pie chart
  • .self-destruct-svg-bg targets the background of the pie chart
  • .self-destruct-svg-bg targets the foreground slice of the pie chart (note there is no slice when the min length is met)




Web Component to add self-destructing functionality.







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