- Docker v17 or later
- Docker Compose v1.13 or later
- Bash Shell v4 or later
# bash
bash dev.sh
Use [Demo credentials]
Login: [email protected]
Password: password
# bash
# to return back to host machine and clean up environment
- Uniform environment setup for development, CI and production
- Unit, Integration and Functional(End To End) Testing
- Continuous Delivery
- Automated Testing
- Automated Deployment
- Universal JavaScript, Server Side Rendering
- GraphQL, GraphQL Subscriptions, REST
- Code splitting and lazy(or on-demand) bundle loading
- React/Redux best practices(smart/dumb components, modules, sagas)
- ES6, Async/await, FP
- JWT Authentication, HTTP/2, HTTPS, WSS
- Front-end
- React
- Redux
- Redux-Saga
- Apollo Client
- Webpack
- Back-end
- Koa
- Sequelize, Postgres
- Apollo Server
- Testing
- Jest
- ChimpJS
- Selenium
- Webdriver.io
- Infrastructure
- Docker, Docker-Compose
- Gitlab