Beta 2.4: acceleration edition
released this
14 Feb 11:51
1243 commits
to master_dev
since this release
This isn't a stable version. Many bugs are expected. The is the current stable (see below).
Merged with PrusaSlicer 2.4.1
So you have all the new stuff from it
- Dark mode for windows
- paint-for-supports
- gcode preview now show the gcode
- fuzzy perimters
- many more
known issues
- bug in the color.ini file: add a newline before "splash_screen_gcodeviewer"
- too many "do you want ot save that"? dialog when closing. Also missing buttons on linux.
- z-offset in shambles (if using color swap) because prusa fixed it on top of the sueprslicer one.
- profiles not up-to-date
- can crash (on startup only?) if supports are enabled.
- Bad gcode on relative extrusion mode
- Acceleration control (by @julianschill)
- Also modified the speeds a bit to have the same functionalities
- Also now deceleration should happen at a better point in the travel path:
- if too short, it use the target accel for the whole travel
- if short, it will switch to target accel at the tipping point
- is the path is long enough, it will switch a bit before the needed distance to decelerate
- "overlapping perimeters" now have thresholds
- scripted widget (aka fake setting): Allow to create "simple settings" that modifies the real ones.
- one example with the return of the 'overhangs' checkbox, that activate /deactivate the thresholds
- Automatic Z-rotate for newly imported object (defined in the printer setting) by @csch0
- Preference to don't change the focus when moving the mouse over the platter by @RealDeuce
- Adding MPMDv2 Print host upload support by @drbachler
- Added Client certificate authentication to physical printer options by @Pieterv24
Can't build macos binaires for now because of an unreproductible error that only happens on the macos github runners (zstd missing)