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Sujin/Sushi edited this page Jun 4, 2013 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the documentation wiki!

The main goal is to have a lot of the stuff here in the main documentation repository. But if you're not sure where to put your contribution, that's okay. Ask or put it here for now, and it'll eventually find a home.

For now, this page will contain an introduction to the various project repositories here at Github since there are a lot of them. You're welcome to create your own page if you'd like.

documentation: You are here. This is where the documentation for all of the repositories listed is contained, including this one. This is a constant work in progress since we're still pulling in documentation from all the project's parts and organizing them.

Want to contribute to our documentation: We have a guide for that:

frontend: Our web and API components live here. If you're interested in installing the software yourself or playing with the API, this is a good place to start. Take a look at documentation to see how to install it yourself.

Interested in contributing? Check out our guide for that:

openphoto-* : If * is a language, it's a language library to help you get started with our API.

mobile-* : These repositories contain our mobile apps.

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