A declarative way for building vertically-stacked views. A proof-of-concept.
This project has an abstraction layer over how to present "stacked views".
You have a basic view, you return a row item
You have a collection view, you return a row item
or horizontally scrollable content,
or vertically scrollable content,
where you return the view you want instead.
We all know that UICollectionView
layouts come in 2 flavors, "vertical" and "horizontal".
.scrollDirection = .vertical
// or
.scrollDirection = .horizontal
While "horizontal" option offers smooth orientation change, the vertical one is more complicated and the layout breaks easily. RowItem offers a solution. You don't have to worry about orientation changes now.
- iOS 10.0+
- Swift 5+
Copy code into your project.
Adopt RowItemsProvider
and return from there a list of row items.
This is how a single row item looks like:
// view that takes up half the height of its superview
func halfView()->RowItem{
let itemHeightBlock:HeightBlock = { containerSize in
return containerSize.height / 2
let view = UIView()
return RowItem(
view: view,
heightBlock: itemHeightBlock,
collectionViewDefinition: nil
This is how you return your list of row items:
public var rowItems: [RowItem] {
var items = [RowItem]()
return items
and present this view controller in your view controller:
let rowItemsViewController = RowItemContainerController(items: ...)
self.show(rowItemsViewController, sender: nil)