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Shared ESLint config

This repository contains our ESLint config, shared by all JavaScript-based projects.

Usage in a project

The config is available for installation as a public npm package.


Often you'll want to develop this repo by testing how your changes would affect the linting results of another repo.

Assuming you'll want to do that in the frontend repo, and you have this repo checked out next to it, what you'll want to do over in frontend is:

rm -rf node_modules/eslint-plugin-swarmia-dev/ && ln -s ../../eslint/ node_modules/eslint-plugin-swarmia-dev

Finally, you'll need to make sure the eslint working copy has all its dependencies installed locally:

cd node_modules/eslint-plugin-swarmia-dev
npm install

It's best to do this via the new symlink instead of cd ../eslint to ensure the same node version is used in eslint and the repo to be tested.

You can now successfully npm run lint in the frontend repo, while making changes here.

Note that the following methods DO NOT WORK, even if they should be the "official" ways to install local packages:

# Don't do this:
npm install eslint-plugin-swarmia-dev@file:../eslint/
npm install ../eslint

Feel free to improve these instructions if you figure out why.

Developing custom rules

To see how the AST you're matching against looks like, paste your code sample to and select either @babel/parser or @typescript-eslint/parser.

Releasing changes

Make sure you've logged-in to NPM (npm login --auth-type=legacy) using the swarmia user before running the commands below.

After a new PR has been merged to master:

./contrib/create-release minor # or "patch" or "major"