Help on module oauth_flask:
NAME oauth_flask
FILE /oauth/
class OAuth
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, oauth_provider_uri=None, oauth_authorize_path=None, oauth_token_path=None, oauth_user_path=None, oauth_revoke_path=None, oauth_client_id=None, oauth_client_secret=None, client_signin_uri=None, client_signout_uri=None, client_callback_uri=None, client_uri=None, usermeta_variable_mapping=None)
| authorize(self)
| default_routes(self, sign_in='/sign_in', sign_out='/sign_out', get_token='/get_token', app=None)
| is_oauth_session(self)
| load_defaults(self, provider='gitlab', provider_uri='')
| protect(self)
| retrieve_token(self)
| revoke_token(self)
| validate_token(self, access_token)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes defined here:
| client_callback_uri = None
| client_signin_uri = None
| client_signout_uri = None
| client_uri = None
| oauth_authorize_path = None
| oauth_client_id = None
| oauth_client_secret = None
| oauth_provider_uri = None
| oauth_revoke_path = None
| oauth_token_path = None
| oauth_user_path = None
| usermeta_variable_mapping = {'email': 'email', 'fullname': 'name', 'is...
class User
| Data and other attributes defined here:
| cookie = None
| email = None
| fullname = None
| is_admin = False
| username = None
FUNCTIONS multi_oauth(oauth_handlers)
DATA logger = <logging.Logger object> request = session =