You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Step in and Step out are now, i and o respectively
Inspect a value is now v
Next step is now s
Dotspacemacs changes
Improve variable dotspacemacs-line-numbers. The variable can now take a property list with the following keywords supported: :relative t to turn on relative lines, :disabled-for-modes mode1 mode2 ... to disable line numbers in specific major modes and :size-limit-kb n to disable line numbers when the size of the buffer is greater than n (thanks to deb0ch)
Core changes
Import quela, package-build, ido-vertical-mode and spacemacs-theme in core/libs
Speedup SPC h SPC loading.
Force installation of org-contrib-plus instead of org effectively avoiding to install Org twice.
Display some additional information message in mode-line at startup.
Throw an error instead of a warning if emacs version is too old (thanks to deb0ch)
Refactor rotate-windows (thanks to bmag)
Don’t toggle maximized window at startup if already maximized (thanks to TheBB)
Set default value of dotspacemacs-enable-paste-transient-state to nil to reflect its value in the doftile template (tanks to toupeira)
which-key: Update usage of replacement alists (thanks to justbur)
which-key: Fix transient state descriptions (thanks to justbur)
which-key: Implement combined select window keys (thanks to justbur)
Maximize frame earlier in the startup process (thanks to deb0ch)
Fix unbound holy-mode error (thanks to TheBB)
Fix error on footer insertion when window is narrow (thanks to deb0ch)
Fix encoding of ; in issue report body (thanks to d12frosted)
Fix variable is void: system-info in spacemacs/report-issue
Fix delayed warning display in emacs 25.5
Fix computation of package installation lazyness
Fix false warning about duplicate layers at startup. (thanks to puzl)
Fix indentation rules for declare-prefix functions
Add support for interpreter-mode-alist to layer lazy installation
Add support for local elpa repositories
Always return `t` from use-package pre/post hooks. (thanks to Stebalien)
Jump-handers :async keyword can now take a predicate function
home buffer: update quickhelp.txt in [?] (thanks to kccai)
Filter out private vars in dotspacemacs/get-variable-string-list
Add support for go to definition in other window with SPC m g G
Scope minor-mode specific key bindings under major-mode leader
Distribution layer changes
New key binding SPC w + to toggle between vertical and horizontal windows layout (thanks to nixmaniack, bmag)
New key binding SPC w TAB to go to last selected window (thanks to adelq)
New key binding gf in compilation mode to find file at point (thanks to FrancescElies)
New key binding gD to jump to definition in another window (thanks to quicknir)
New key binding SPC x l S to reverse sort lines (duianto)
New key bindings SPC x l c and SPC x l C to sort lines by column (duianto)
New key binding SPC f T to jump to currently opened file in neotree (thanks to arjun-urs)
New key binding ' in neotree to take a quick look at the currently selected file (thanks to sdwolf)
Overhaul the buffer transient state on SPC b . (thanks to quicknir)
Improve spacemacs/count-word-analysis by including information from count-words function
Use use winum.el instead of window-numbering.el for window numbers (thanks to deb0ch)
Add copy key to neotree under C (thanks to lanejo01)
Move generation of tags from SPC p C-g to easier SPC p G (thanks to TheBB)
Add duplicate-line-or-region on SPC x l d (thanks to deb0ch)
Integrate auto-highlight-symbol with evil as well as isearch (thanks to TheBB)
Change default fringe color for centered-buffer-mode.
Use helm or ivy as completion framework for dumb-jump (thanks to deuill)
Hide PROPERTIES drawers in space-doc-mode (thanks to nikolaiam)
Disable auto-revert of buffer-menu-mode (thanks to bgamari)
Fix spacemacs/rename-current-buffer-file on non-file buffers (thanks to lislon)
Layer changes
Add support for ansible-vault (auto-de/encryption of files)
Add support for company with company-ansible package
Add new package fuzzy for auto-complete.
Better defaults
Add new package unfill (thanks to d12frosted)
Move pyim into the .cache directory (thanks to DCPRevere)
Add package flymd. Flymd is a realtime markdown preview (hodge)
Update debugger key bindings to meet new conventions
Add new key bindings to convert collections (thanks to benedekfazekas)
Fix calls to cider-test-xxxx functions (thanks to mahinshaw)
Common Lisp
Add neew key binding SPC m h i to inspect a definition
Set jump handler to slime-edit-definition (thanks to phoe)
Fix Omnisharp jump handler by marking it async (thanks to razzmatazz)
Add support for credo (denin)
Prevent from inserting too many "end"s in Elixir (thanks to michalmuskala)
Emacs Lisp
Fix cursor position for eval-last-sexp.
Add SPC m e c to evaluate current sexp. Evaluation of current setq or defun form is under SPC m e C.
Add support for debugger and edebug, see tutorial in file.
Add extension .wl for wolfram-mode (kenkangxgwe)
Add new key bindings for ledger account reconciliation (thanks to timjaeger)
Add sudoku game. (thanks to et2010)
Fix void reference to go--position-bytes (thanks to db47h)
Update debugger key bindings to meet new conventions
Defer company-web loading (ralesi)
New key bindings g r to update buffer, g j to move to next filter group and g k to move to previous filter group (thanks to donm)
Fix axes.color_cycle warning in matplotlibrc (thanks to Retorz)
Rebind SPC f b to counsel-bookmark (thanks to gilbertw1)
Add confirmation between deleting a file with d (thanks to d12frosted)
Add C-c C-e to edit counsel-ag search results (thanks to aaronjensen)
Correctly close ivy layout transient state when pressing b (thanks to gilbertw1)
Fix jump handler using tern by marking it async (thanks to coreygrunewald)
Add new key bindings for folding functions (thanks to nashamri)
Add new key binding SPC m i t to insert a Table of Contents
Fix activation of mmm-mode
Add support for ini files
Hide MMM linter in mode-line
New key binding , for org-edit-src-exit (thanks to david-sawatzke)
New key binding SPC m i a for org-attach (thanks to smile12341234)
Move SPC m e to SPC m e e for org-export-dispatch
Fix o on folded headings (thanks to dschoepe)
Add new key binding R to refresh buffer (thanks to FrancescElies)
Add new key binding gf to go to file at point (thanks to FrancescElies)
New layer variable python-auto-set-local-pyvenv-virtualenv to autoload a virtual env with a .venv file (thanks to korayal)
Simplify python test runner setup (thanks to TheBB)
Fix debug string for python3 (thanks to yangguang760)
Fix python path with virtualenv on Windows in Python nose package (thanks to brenttaylor)
Fix python-enable-yapf-format-on-save (thanks to magia)
Add package ob-restclient to add org-babel support to restclient
Add helm support to jump to variable or request with SPC m j (thanks to tko)
Add autocompletion for methods and headers (thanks to tko)
Add key bindings for jump to next / previous query with SPC m n and SPC m p (thanks to tko)
Use projectile-rails-global-mode if available (thanks to asok)
Add binding for describing symbol at point under SPC m h h (thanks to NJBS)
Add key binding to run current Rust file under SPC m q (thanks to swaroopch)
Make Racer respect help-window-select (thanks to bmag)
Update debugger key bindings to meet new conventions
Update deprecated ensime variable name user-emacs-ensime-directory (thanks to brakhane)
Remove sbt-hydra rename wrapper (thanks to jdnavarro)
Fix void-variable company-backends-scheme-mode (thanks to pnagy)
Make Semantic fast (thanks to tudho)
Add support for company with glsl-company package (thanks to d12frosted)
Defer loading of flyspell-correct-helm and flyspell-correct (thanks to ralesi and d12frosted)
Add sourcerer theme to themes-megapack (thanks to gilbertw1)
Added new base16 themes (thanks to bezhermoso and metamode)
Add madhat2r theme to megapack (thanks to madhat2r)
Fix eldoc initialization in typescript layer. (thanks to Stebalien)
Version control
New layer variable version-control-diff-side to set the fringe side where to display version control info (thanks to emmanueltouzery)
Add a transient state for smerge-mode on SPC g r (thanks to perfectayush)
Add ycmd-eldoc to ycmd layer (thanks to quicknir)
Improve home buffer responsiveness, add centering for release notes and lists (thanks to deb0ch)
Add keybindings to move buffers by window number with SPC b # where # is a number between 0 and 9 (thanks to quicknir)
Add toggle to display time in modeline on SPC t m t. Toggle of the modeline is now in SPC t m T. (thanks to jupl)
Add toggle for syntax highlighting on SPC t h s (thanks to jupl)
Message instead of warn on failed auto-evilify (thanks to TheBB)
Warn if both helm and ivy are enabled (thanks to TheBB)
Add new documentation file doc/ (nikolaiam)