Changelog (v6.2.9...v6.2.10)
- bug symfony/symfony#50115 [FrameworkBundle] Make service edges unique (@rmikalkenas)
- bug symfony/symfony#50040 [Translation] Crowdin Bridge: Fix locale vs LanguageId (@peter Culka)
- bug symfony/symfony#48886 [Console] Fix computing column width containing multibyte chars (@cay89)
- bug symfony/symfony#47505 [Mime] Form field values with integer keys not resolved correctly (@claudiu-cristea)
- bug symfony/symfony#48837 [Messenger] [Redis] Fixed problem where worker stops handling messages on first empty message (@jvmanji)
- bug symfony/symfony#49317 [Messenger] Fix warning message on failed messenger show command (@gstapinato)
- bug symfony/symfony#49992 [Mailer] [Mailjet] Use body MessageID instead of X-MJ-Request-GUID (@Starfox64)
- bug symfony/symfony#48972 [HttpFoundation] Fix memory limit problems in BinaryFileResponse (@glady)
- bug symfony/symfony#49009 [Form] Cast choices value callback result to string (@Matth--)
- bug symfony/symfony#49537 [Serializer] Unexpected value should throw UnexpectedValueException (@ThomasTr)
- bug symfony/symfony#49581 Avoid leading .. for temporary files from Filesystem recursive remove (@giosh94mhz)