- It builds a Docker container from Google Cloud Source Repositories or GitHub with eg. Google Cloud Build.
- It publishes the image to the Container Registry as
. - It's based upon
, Androidsdkmanager
, Gradle, as well as a simple Android application for testing purposes. - It supports publishing to Bucket & Firebase App Distribution with Cloud KMS decryption for credentials.
- Android NDK and Firebase Crashlytics NDK crash reporting can be enabled by uncommenting a few lines.
- The image first needs to be built itself (!), in order to build Android applications with it.
- Hosting the built image would be a) less customizable and b) the traffic would be charged.
- In order to get started, import to Cloud Source Repositories and set up a build trigger there.
- After having built the image, a new container should show up below
. - This container can then be used in another Android project's (or another Git branch's)
, in order not to build it every time.
One can pre-install SDK packages with the sdkmanager
, when passing _ANDROID_SDK_PACKAGES
And one can pre-install Gradle by passing _GRADLE_VERSION
At the moment these are both statically set in cloudbuild.yaml
, but the code is there.
~platform-tools platforms;android-35 build-tools;35.0.0
These examples assume that you already have the image in your project's private container registry.
Hostname eu.gcr.io
(also bucket name eu.artifacts
) can be replaced with us.gcr.io
or gcr.io
a) This uploads debug APK files with gsutil
to gs://eu.artifacts.$PROJECT_ID.appspot.com/android/
# cloudbuild.yaml
- name: eu.gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/cloudbuild-android
id: 'docker-pull'
args: ['cp', '-a', '.', '/persistent_volume']
- name: data
path: /persistent_volume
- name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
id: 'gradle-build'
- name: data
path: /persistent_volume
args: ['run', '-v', 'data:/workspace', '--rm', 'eu.gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/cloudbuild', '/bin/sh', '-c', 'cd /workspace && ./gradlew mobile:assembleDebug && mv mobile/build/outputs/apk/debug/mobile-debug.apk mobile/build/outputs/apk/debug/$REPO_NAME-$SHORT_SHA-debug.apk && ls -la mobile/build/outputs/apk/debug/$REPO_NAME-$SHORT_SHA-debug.apk']
- name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gsutil
id: 'publish-gsutil'
args: ['cp', '/persistent_volume/mobile/build/outputs/apk/debug/$REPO_NAME-$SHORT_SHA-debug.apk', 'gs://eu.artifacts.$PROJECT_ID.appspot.com/android/']
- name: data
path: /persistent_volume
timeout: 1200s
b) Cloud KMS can be used to decrypt credentials; this requires IAM role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter
for the service account:
The first step mounts volume data
. The second step runs gcloud kms decrypt
(there are scripts in the /scripts
directory, for encrypting the *.enc
files). The Gradle task in the third step runs mobile:assembleRelease mobile:appDistributionUploadRelease
, which uploads a signed release APK to Firebase App Distribution. This requires a separate service account with a google-service-account.json
, because it is not possible to access the Cloud Build service account credentials.
# cloudbuild.yaml
- name: eu.gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/cloudbuild-android
id: 'docker-pull'
args: ['cp', '-a', '.', '/persistent_volume']
- name: data
path: /persistent_volume
- name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
id: 'kms-decode'
entrypoint: 'bash'
waitFor: ['docker-pull']
- '-c'
- |
mkdir -p /persistent_volume/.android
gcloud kms decrypt --ciphertext-file=credentials/keystore.properties.enc --plaintext-file=/persistent_volume/keystore.properties --location=global --keyring=android-gradle --key=default
gcloud kms decrypt --ciphertext-file=credentials/google-service-account.json.enc --plaintext-file=/persistent_volume/credentials/google-service-account.json --location=global --keyring=android-gradle --key=default
gcloud kms decrypt --ciphertext-file=credentials/google-services.json.enc --plaintext-file=/persistent_volume/mobile/google-services.json --location=global --keyring=android-gradle --key=default
gcloud kms decrypt --ciphertext-file=credentials/debug.keystore.enc --plaintext-file=/persistent_volume/.android/debug.keystore --location=global --keyring=android-gradle --key=default
gcloud kms decrypt --ciphertext-file=credentials/release.keystore.enc --plaintext-file=/persistent_volume/.android/release.keystore --location=global --keyring=android-gradle --key=default
rm -v ./credentials/*.enc
- name: data
path: /persistent_volume
- name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
id: 'firebase-distribution'
waitFor: ['kms-decode']
- name: data
path: /persistent_volume
args: [
'--rm', 'eu.gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/cloudbuild',
'-v', 'data:/workspace',
'/bin/sh', '-c', 'cd /workspace && gradle mobile:assembleRelease mobile:appDistributionUploadRelease'
timeout: 1200s
The example app uses Google Cloud KMS Gradle Plugin, which depends on environmental variable _CLOUD_KMS_KEY_PATH
. It does about the same as the above step kms-decode
does, but at build time:
./gradlew mobile:cloudKmsDecrypt mobile:assembleRelease mobile:appDistributionUploadRelease
The variable substitutions look pretty much the same, being called "Parameters".
While these substitutions use no underscore (being mapped at build-time: .space.kts
~platform-tools platforms;android-35 build-tools;35.0.0
~ the location of the Docker image previously built.
The following example .space.kts
uses xxd
(instead of gcloud kms
) to revert hex-dumps of binary files.
* JetBrains Space Automation
* This Kotlin script file lets you automate build activities
* For more info, see https://www.jetbrains.com/help/space/automation.html
job("Bundle application") {
startOn {
gitPush { enabled = false }
parameters {
text("GRADLE_TASKS", value = "mobile:bundleDebug", description = "Gradle tasks") {
options("mobile:bundleDebug", "mobile:bundleRelease") {
allowMultiple = false
container(displayName = "Gradle build", image = "{{ project:DOCKER_IMAGE }}:lts") {
env["DEBUG_KEYSTORE"] = "{{ project:DEBUG_KEYSTORE }}"
env["GRADLE_USER_HOME"] = "{{ project:GRADLE_USER_HOME }}"
cache {
location = CacheLocation.FileRepository(name = CacheLocation.DefaultRepositoryName, remoteBasePath = "android")
storeKey = "gradle-{{ hashFiles('build.gradle') }}"
localPath = "{{ project:GRADLE_USER_HOME }}/caches"
shellScript {
location = "{{ project:BUILD_SCRIPT }}"
interpreter = "/bin/bash"
- for Firebase AppDistribution, the service account needs IAM role "Firebase App Distribution Admin".
- for Google Play Store, the "Google Play Android Developer API" needs to be enabled for the project.
- Creating a Serverless Mobile Delivery Pipeline
- Simplify your CI processes with GitHub and Google Cloud Build
- Marketplace Google Cloud Build for GitHub integration.
- GitHub: Google Cloud Build (official).
- Jetbrains Space: Automation (CI/CD).
- Jetbrains Space IDE plugin