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Source code of PyDigger

See the about page on the web site for some explanation.

See the Video recording series following the development of the application. Specifically in the first episode you can see an explanation about it.

Setup a development environment

   x public_repo

   x read:user
   x user:email
  • Save the token it in the dev.yml file in the github-token field.
  • Copy docker-compose.override.yml.example to docker-compose.override.yml and personalize it if necessary.

If you're using Windows, make sure to have a docker daemon up and running, e.g. via Docker Desktop.

Open a terminal and run the following from within your cloned directory:

docker-compose up --build

Visit the web page at http://localhost:6001 At this point the database is empty.

In another terminal connect to the shell of the Docker container

docker exec -it pydiggercom_cron_1 bash

To run the tests type in

pytest --cache-clear -vs

To run the linter type in

flake8 --count --show-source --statistics

To collect data from a single GitHub repository:

python --update url --url --log DEBUG --screen

To collect data for a single PyPI package:

python --update package --package <PyPI package name> --log DEBUG --screen

For example:

python --update package --package flask --log DEBUG --screen

Fetch data of recently uploaded packages using the RSS feed of PyPI:

python --update rss --screen --log DEBUG
python --update deps --screen --log DEBUG

Connect to the shell of the MongoDB server

$ docker exec -it pydiggercom_mymongo_1 bash
# mongo -u root -p Secret # to login to mongodb
> use pydigger # pydigger is our database name
> db.dropDatabase() # To drop the pydigger database
> db.packages.find() # To list all the entries

Cleaning up database (during development)

docker exec pydiggercom_web_1 python

Remove a package

docker exec pydiggercom_web_1 python NAME


ssh to the server and run


Copyright and LICENSE

Copyright 2023 Gábor Szabó

The source code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License.

The content of the site as collected from the various sources are copyright the respective parties.


  • Upasana Shukla
  • Ed Sabol
  • Greg Lawrance