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Releases: tabler/tabler-icons

Release 3.7.0

25 Jun 15:30
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18 new icons:

  • outline/battery-exclamation
  • outline/battery-vertical-1
  • outline/battery-vertical-2
  • outline/battery-vertical-3
  • outline/battery-vertical-4
  • outline/battery-vertical-charging-2
  • outline/battery-vertical-charging
  • outline/battery-vertical-eco
  • outline/battery-vertical-exclamation
  • outline/battery-vertical-off
  • outline/battery-vertical
  • outline/brand-metabrainz
  • outline/cancel
  • outline/rosette-discount-check-off
  • outline/ruler-measure-2
  • outline/umbrella-2
  • outline/umbrella-closed-2
  • outline/umbrella-closed

Fixed icons: filled/circle-plus, outline/apple, outline/battery-automotive, outline/flask-2-off, outline/flask-2, outline/flask, outline/microscope-off, outline/microscope, outline/rosette-discount-check, outline/ruler-measure, outline/test-pipe-2, outline/test-pipe-off, outline/test-pipe

Renamed icons:

  • outline/mood-suprised renamed to outline/mood-surprised

Fixes & Improvements

  • Set return type of Component in SolidJS to JSX.Element (#1148)
  • Change the way of exporting icons in Svelte package (#1169)
  • Add support for Svelte 5
  • Remove invalid DOM properties from circle-plus icon

Release 3.6.0

13 Jun 20:30
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18 new icons:

  • filled/binoculars
  • filled/mood-angry
  • filled/mood-crazy-happy
  • filled/mood-wrrr
  • filled/pill
  • filled/receipt
  • filled/rosette-discount
  • filled/scuba-diving-tank
  • filled/steering-wheel
  • filled/tag
  • filled/tags
  • outline/align-left-2
  • outline/align-right-2
  • outline/binoculars
  • outline/building-off
  • outline/cliff-jumping
  • outline/contract
  • outline/scuba-diving-tank

Fixed icons: outline/briefcase-2, outline/briefcase, outline/cash-register, outline/scuba-diving

Release 3.5.0

21 May 19:41
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18 new icons:

  • filled/circle-plus
  • outline/automation
  • outline/chart-bar-popular
  • outline/chart-cohort
  • outline/chart-funnel
  • outline/device-unknown
  • outline/file-excel
  • outline/file-word
  • outline/object-scan
  • outline/tax-euro
  • outline/tax-pound
  • outline/tax
  • outline/timezone
  • outline/tip-jar-euro
  • outline/tip-jar-pound
  • outline/tip-jar
  • outline/viewport-short
  • outline/viewport-tall

Fixed icons: outline/battery-automotive, outline/chart-bar, outline/viewport-narrow, outline/viewport-wide

Release 3.4.0

15 May 23:01
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18 new icons:

  • outline/ai
  • outline/cash-register
  • outline/percentage-0
  • outline/percentage-10
  • outline/percentage-100
  • outline/percentage-20
  • outline/percentage-25
  • outline/percentage-30
  • outline/percentage-33
  • outline/percentage-40
  • outline/percentage-50
  • outline/percentage-60
  • outline/percentage-66
  • outline/percentage-70
  • outline/percentage-75
  • outline/percentage-80
  • outline/percentage-90
  • outline/picnic-table

Release 3.3.0

30 Apr 19:26
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18 new icons:

  • filled/circle-percentage
  • filled/code-circle-2
  • filled/code-circle
  • filled/hospital-circle
  • filled/live-photo
  • filled/message-chatbot
  • filled/message-circle
  • filled/message-report
  • filled/message
  • filled/panorama-horizontal
  • filled/panorama-vertical
  • filled/parking-circle
  • filled/poo
  • filled/sunglasses
  • filled/tilt-shift
  • outline/ikosaedr
  • outline/message-circle-user
  • outline/message-user

Fixed icons: filled/shield-half, outline/parking-circle

Release 3.2.0

11 Apr 10:29
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18 new icons:

  • filled/bubble
  • filled/picture-in-picture-top
  • filled/picture-in-picture
  • filled/toggle-left
  • filled/toggle-right
  • outline/bubble-minus
  • outline/bubble-plus
  • outline/bubble-text
  • outline/bubble-x
  • outline/bubble
  • outline/carambola
  • outline/circle-dashed-check
  • outline/circle-dashed-minus
  • outline/circle-dashed-plus
  • outline/dumpling
  • outline/monkeybar
  • outline/pentagon-minus
  • outline/text-wrap-column

Fixed icons: outline/brand-google-fit, outline/circle-dashed-x, outline/message-dots, outline/text-wrap

Release 3.1.0

14 Mar 19:23
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18 new icons:

  • filled/blob
  • outline/blend-mode
  • outline/blob
  • outline/brand-arc
  • outline/eye-dotted
  • outline/file-isr
  • outline/invoice
  • outline/layers-selected-bottom
  • outline/layers-selected
  • outline/lock-open-2
  • outline/logs
  • outline/prism-light
  • outline/shareplay
  • outline/spaces
  • outline/squares-selected
  • outline/u-turn-left
  • outline/u-turn-right
  • outline/user-screen

Release 3.0.3

14 Mar 14:36
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Fixes & Improvements

Release 3.0.2

14 Mar 00:01
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Fixes & Improvements

  • Export Icon type for packages #1045
  • Export iconsList for packages #1001

For detailed documentation and integration guides, please refer to our official documentation.

Release 3.0.1

12 Mar 12:57
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Fixes & Improvements

  • Added missing squares-filled icon to our comprehensive icon library #1031
  • Fixed bug with stroke in filled icons #1040
  • Resolved an issue with our iconfont generation process. Now, both filled and outline versions of icons are correctly generated, offering improved versatility in design choices #1042
  • Fixed import issues within the icons-react package. Users can now seamlessly import icons, facilitating easier integration into React-based projects #1033
  • Introduced optimized imports to the icons-svelte package. This update significantly reduces bundle sizes and improves loading times for Svelte applications using our icons
  • Fixed bug when colour of filled-icons cannot be changed #750
  • Fixed props in icons-react package #1035

For detailed documentation and integration guides, please refer to our official documentation.