My site v4 (i think)
- The whole website can be statically rendered in
- Deployed via cloudflare pages with a total push to deploy time of
- blazing fast privacy preserving view counter with abacus
function cb(res) {
const fmt = new Intl.NumberFormat('en', { notation: 'compact' });
const elements = document.querySelectorAll("[id='visits']");
elements.forEach(el => {
el.innerText = fmt.format(res.value);
el.title = res.value + " visits";
<script async src=""></script>
Huge thanks to Speyll/anemone for the template that helped me understand Zola
This site's theme is based off of the awesome project Speyll/suCSS/ with my own flavoring on top and the code theme is based off of uncomfyhalomacro/catppuccin-zola modified to work with data-theme
© 2024-present Kieran Klukas