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tagyoureit edited this page Aug 25, 2021 · 9 revisions

Messages originated from the Pump(s)

This Page is for historical reference. Some pumps had the ability to be controlled by directly communicating with them and seeting one of 4 speeds. However, all of these pumps can now be controlled directly from njsPC/Nixie just like a Pentair controller.

This page lists the messages that are sent by the pump. This application is built around systems that have a modern Pentair pool controller (EasyTouch, et al). ~~If you want to control the pumps directly, without the use of a pool controller, see this [CocoonTech thread]( (registration required).~~ This application will now read all of the pump commands.
Action Mode\Command Description
<01> <02><96> Speed mode set to
<01> <03><33> Run the following Ext. Program <00><00>=Off, <00><08>=1, <00><10>=2, <00><18>=3, <00><20>=4
<01> <03><39> Set Speed Setting Program 1 to speed in rpm
<01> <03><40> Set Speed Setting Program 2 to speed in rpm
<01> <03><41> Set Speed Setting Program 3 to speed in rpm
<01> <03><42> Set Speed Setting Program 4 to speed in rpm
<01> <03><43> set pump timer to minutes (or might be hour:min??)
<01> <04><196> set pump to rpm speed
<01> <04><228> set pump to gpm speed
<04> <00> set pump control panel to local (local panel on)
<04> <255> set pump to remote control (local panel off)
<05> <00> set pump to filter
<05> <01> set pump to manual
<05> <02> set pump to speed 1
<05> <03> set pump to speed 2
<05> <04> set pump to speed 3
<05> <05> set pump to speed 4
<05> <06> set pump to feature 1
<06> <04> Turn pump off
<06> <10> Turn pump on
<07> Request/Return Status
<09> <02><96> run pump at <00> xx gpm (from Intellitouch)

Pump Status Message


Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6
Example 96 16 7 0 1 28


Byte 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 1
Example 16 96 7 15 10 0 0 0 170 4 226 0 0 0 0 0 1 22 14 2 234
Byte Known? Definition Details
1 Y Destination Destination Address of message
2 Y Source Address Sender Addresses of message
3 Y Action 7 = Status
4 Y Length Number of bytes in the message after this byte
0 Y Command 4=Off; 10=On
1 Y Mode No desc.
2 Y Drive state No desc.
3 Y Watts High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = total watts
4 Y Watts Low Bit
5 Y RPM High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = total RPM
6 Y RPM Low Bit
7 Y Flow VF pump flow
8 Y PPC VF Filter % used
9 N Maybe timer?
10 N Maybe timer?
11 Y Status L Status message bit low
12 Y Status H Status message bit high
13 Y Hours Hour of actual time
14 Y Min Mins of actual time
0 Y Checksum High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = checksum
1 Y Checksum Low Bit

Set Speed Mode


Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Example 96 16 1 4 3 39 2 238 2 52
Byte Known? Definition Details
1 Y Destination Destination Address of message
2 Y Source Address Sender Addresses of message
3 Y Action 1=Set speed mode
4 Y Length Number of bytes in the message after this byte
5 Y Mode/Command 3=Run program
6 Y Action 33=Run program XX/Turn off pump
39=Save Program 1 as XX Speed
40=Save Program 2 as XX Speed
43=Set pump time for XX mins
7 Y High bit if save program, the high*256+low=RPM.
If timer, hh:mm or mm:mm(?) in low bit & high bit.
8 Y Low Bit If Run then 0=off; 8=Prog1; 16=Prog2;24=Prog3;32=Prog4 (Low bit will be 0)
9 Y Checksum High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = checksum
10 Y Checksum Low Bit


Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Example 34 96 1 2 3 232 2 21
Byte Known? Definition Details
1 Y Destination Destination Address of message
2 Y Source Address Sender Addresses of message
3 Y Action 1=Speed mode set
4 Y Length Number of bytes in the message after this byte
5 Y Speed Mode High (256)*this byte+byte 5
6 Y Speed Mode Low
7 Y Checksum High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = checksum
8 Y Checksum Low Bit

Remote Control Mode


Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Example 96 16 4 1 255 2 25


Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Example 16 96 4 1 255 2 25
Byte Known? Definition Details
1 Y Destination Destination Address of message
2 Y Source Address Sender Addresses of message
3 Y Action 4 = Pump Control Panel On\Off
4 Y Length Number of bytes in the message after this byte
5 Y Mode/Command 0=Set pump control panel (local) on; 255=Set pump control panel (local) off
6 Y Checksum High Bit This bit * 256 + low bit = checksum
7 Y Checksum Low Bit

Run Program X has a different type of response

16:55:52.137 VERBOSE Sent Packet 255,0,255,165,0,96,34,1,4,3,33,0,8,1,88 Try: 1
16:55:52.150 DEBUG Msg# 7  Msg received: 34,96,1,2,0,8,1,50
                           Msg written: 255,0,255,165,0,96,34,1,4,3,33,0,8,1,88
                           Match?: true
16:55:52.164 VERBOSE Msg# 7   Pump1: Speed Set to 8 rpm: [34,96,1,2,0,8,1,50]