Jygsaw is a graphics library for Jython which makes graphics programming easy to learn. At the same time, it is powerful, flexible, and extensible, making it ideal for beginners and experienced programmers alike.
Jygsaw takes many cues from the Processing language, but it uses Python, which is a powerful, dynamic programming language with clear and readable syntax, and runs on the Java Virtual Machine, making it portable and fast.
Here's a quick demo (taken from a Processing demo) to show you what Jygsaw looks like.
from jygsaw.graphics import *
def draw():
recursive_circle(width() / 2, 280, 6)
# Recursively draw smaller circles
def recursive_circle(x, radius, level):
tt = int(126 * level / 4.0)
circle(x, height() / 2, radius)
if (level > 1):
level = level - 1
recursive_circle(x - radius / 2, radius / 2, level)
recursive_circle(x + radius / 2, radius / 2, level)
canvas(640, 360)
Simply use jython setup.py install
. If you are in a virtualenv using jython, python setup.py install
will work, too. Jygsaw is developed on the Jython platform, using Java's Swing library.
Run jython -m unittest discover
This will test the version of the code that lives in the current working directory, not the system-installed version.
Install unittest2
. The easiest way to do this is using virtualenv
to create a local Jython installation in your current working directory. For example:
$ cd cs98library
$ easy_install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p jython venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install unittest2
$ unit2 discover
You can run any test against the system-installed version of Jygsaw.
$ cd jygsaw/test
$ jython name_of_test.py
You can run any demo using the local copy of Jygsaw (found in jygsaw/
) by running, for example, jython demos/keyboard.py
If you change directory into demos/
and run demos, the demos run using the system-installed version of Jygsaw, so make sure to reinstall Jygsaw in order to run the demos using the latest codebase!
- Aaditya Talwai
- Avery Yen
- Carla Galarza
- David Lam
- Janet Kim
- Jennifer Lure
- Kyle Lawson
Download and install our latest stable release here. You can also go through tutorials and view our documentation.