This package is an HE implementation to calculate genetic and/or any other correlation between pairs of variables that are related via some relatedness matrices. Essentially this calculation will answer the question: “What fraction of the correlation between variables is due to the relatedness”. For any significant number of traits these computations require a computing cluster. This version works with the LSF scheduler although any other can be easily implemented. Because of the cluster-related steps, this is organized as a pipeline with several steps that need to be executed one after another. The general approach is you construct one config file for the whole process and then pass it to the different R scripts in this package. Some of them will generate run-files which are needed to be run on the cluster.
- R dataframe with phenotypes, covariates and ID field
- An NxN R matrix (or multiple ones) with colnames=rownames=ID and K_(i,j) representing some similarity between subject i and j
- Various Parameters (See “Configuration File” section for specific description)
There is one file which ends with “longformat.txt”, it has all the resulting data – the following fields:
- First Phenotype name
- Second Phenotype name
- Total (Phenotypic ) model correlation.
- Total model correlation pvalue
- Number of people in each phenotype pair
- Fractional Genetic Correlation
- Genetic correlation
- Genetic correlation p-value (Blocked Bootstrap, SD method)
- Genetic correlation confidence interval – low bound (Blocked Bootstrap, SD method)
- Genetic correlation confidence interval – high bound (Blocked Bootstrap, SD method)
- Genetic correlation p-value, FDR corrected (Blocked Bootstrap, SD method)
- Genetic correlation 95% confidence interval – low bound (Blocked Bootstrap, quantiles method)
- Genetic correlation 95% confidence interval – high bound (Blocked Bootstrap, quantiles method)
- Is Genetic correlation p-value significant for 95% confidence quantiles method (TRUE/FALSE)
- Fractional Household Correlation
- Household correlation (if provided household matrix)
- Household correlation p-value (Blocked Bootstrap, SD method) (if provided household matrix)
- Household correlation confidence interval – low bound (Blocked Bootstrap, SD method) (if provided household matrix)
- Household correlation confidence interval – high bound (Blocked Bootstrap, SD method) (if provided household matrix)
- Household correlation p-value, FDR corrected (Blocked Bootstrap, SD method) (if provided household matrix)
- Household correlation 95% confidence interval – low bound (Blocked Bootstrap, quantiles method) (if provided household matrix)
- Household correlation 95% confidence interval – high bound (Blocked Bootstrap, quantiles method) (if provided household matrix)
- Is Household correlation p-value significant for 95% confidence quantiles method (TRUE/FALSE) (if provided household matrix)
- Genetic correlation p-value (Fisher method)
- Genetic correlation confidence interval – low bound (Fisher method)
- Genetic correlation confidence interval – high bound (Fisher method)
- Genetic correlation p-value, FDR corrected (Fisher method)
- Household correlation p-value (Fisher method) (if provided household matrix)
- Household correlation confidence interval – low bound (Fisher method) (if provided household matrix)
- Household correlation confidence interval – high bound (Fisher method) (if provided household matrix)
- Household correlation p-value, FDR corrected (Fisher method) (if provided household matrix)
- Residual correlation
This is the main results file, however the software will also generate each of these 32 as a matrix file with rows and columns being phenotypes and the corresponding values. These are used for figures generations later on.
In addition, three more are generated with
- Heritabilities (Genetic)
- Household variance components (analogue for heritabilities for Household distance matrix)
- PDF with figures for all of the above
Required packages Make sure you have these libraries installed: R – 3.6.3 or higher; RColorBrewer, corrplot, plotrix, ggchicklet, qgraph, corpcor, gdata, reshape2, ggpattern, igraph, ggplot2, config, gtools, tidyr, tidyverse, hash, R.utils, GENESIS, psych, dplyr
The main steps are:
- Prepare data files (phenotypes and relatedness matrices), decide upon covariates.
- Prepare the configuration file
- Convert the data to GCTA format and run variance components estimation (Heritability in the case of genetics) in batches on the cluster
- Run the Genetic Correlation estimation in batches on the cluster
- Combine the Genetic Correlation batches and Heritability estimates to the final dataset
- Generate Figures
This configuration file is used by all scripts in the pipeline. See “Configuration File” section for specific description.
*This step can be skipped if one doesn’t wish to perform bootstrap (i.e. “BOOTSTRAP_REPEATS : 0” in the config file)
Run: “/data/myProject/Code/1_Generate_blocked_bootstrap_distmatr_v2.R” with the config file as a parameter. Very fast. Three ways you can do it.
First way - on a local linux environment: [user@userpc]$ Rscript /data/myProject/Code/1_Generate_blocked_bootstrap_distmatr_v2.R /data/myProject/Code/runGenCor_ALL_Base_v1.config
Second way - from interactive shell :
[user@eris1n3 ~]$ bsub -Is -q interact-big -R "rusage[mem=128000]" -n 8 csh
Job <341649> is submitted to queue .
<<Waiting for dispatch ...>>
[user@celeste ~]$ Rscript /data/myProject/Code/1_Generate_blocked_bootstrap_distmatr_v2.R /data/myProject/Code/runGenCor_ALL_Base_v1.config
Third way - create a script file: “/data/myProject/Code/”
#BSUB -o /data/myProject/DataProc/output_bootstrap_cluster.out
#BSUB -e /data/myProject/ DataProc/output_bootstrap_cluster.err
#BSUB -q normal
#BSUB -R "rusage[mem=30000]"
#BSUB -J bootstrap1
module load R/4.0.2
Rscript /data/myProject/Code/1_Generate_blocked_bootstrap_distmatr_v2.R /data/myProject/Code/runGenCor_ALL_Base_v1.config
And run it:
[user@eris1n3 ~]$ bsub < /data/myProject/Code/
This is done to calculate heritabilities. Run from command line: “/data/myProject/Code/2_convert_grm_RData_GCTA_v2.R” with the config file as a parameter (Same as in Step 2).
**Note – you need to this for every phenotype file, but different phenotype files can use the same genotype file (if the genotype file includes all the participants from the phenotype file). The genotype conversion is slow - multiple minutes. So you can run it once for the combined model and then just use it for the sex-specific modules.
Step (3) will generate a shell-script file which name you define in the config file under:
You now need to run it on the cluster from command line. So if the file is:
run this line via the command line.
[user@eris1n3 ~]$ /data/myProject/DataProc/
This will submit as many jobs as you have phenotypes in the file. Need to wait for it to finish. May take up to several hours depending on cluster availability. Wait till all finish.
Some runs may fail. You will need to check which failed and re-run them. Failing, meaning a missing “.hst” file. The way you do it is via
with the config file as a parameter.
-Step (3-2) will generate a shell-script file which name you define in the config file under:
You now need to run it on the cluster from command line (Same as Step 3-1). So if the file is:
run this line via the command line. This will submit as many jobs as have failed in the previous step. Need to wait for it to finish. May take up to several hours depending on cluster availability. Wait till all finish.
Now we get to the actual genetic correlation calculation. First run
with the config file as a parameter (Same as Step 2). Very fast.
This will generate a shell-script file which name you define in the config file under:
You now need to run it on the cluster from command line. If the file is
then you run it like this:
[user@eris1n3 ~]$ bsub < /data/myProject/DataProc/
This will submit as many jobs as you have genetic correlations in the file. Need to wait for it to finish. May take minutes to days depending on cluster availability. Wait till all finish
Alternatively you can run the standalone version: [user@userpc]$ /data/myProject/DataProc/
Run from command line: “/data/myProject/Code/5_HEc_combine_Kinship_Household_v9.R”
with the config file as a parameter (Same as Step 2). Pretty fast
Run from command line: “/data/myProject/Code/7_make_figure_gencor_twomat_v9.R”
with the config file as a parameter (Same as Step 2). Very fast
ID Gender AGE Phenotype1 Phenotype2
1523 Female 57 1 32
1100 Male 48 3 24
1052 Female 56 13 25
1102 Female 45 15 25
1973 Female 50 19 24
1026 Female 53 18 30
1558 Male 58 5 22
1268 Male 46 3 33
1553 Female 56 6 21
1130 Female 67 6 15
1523 1100 1052 1102 1973 1026 1558 1268 1553 1130
1523 1 0.06 -0.41 -0.11 -1.24 0.32 1.38 2.2 -0.28 -1.09
1100 0.05 1 1.65 -0.1 0.86 0.3 0.49 -0.36 -1.48 0.48
1052 0.23 -0.31 1 -1.65 -1.05 0.12 0.33 0.25 -1.8 -0.38
1102 -0.96 -0.15 -1.61 1 1.06 -0.58 -0.17 1.6 1.18 1.46
1973 1 -0.53 -0.44 -0.22 1 -0.18 0.82 0.53 1.5 -0.9
1026 -1.11 1.58 -0.68 -0.33 0.1 1 -1 0.38 2.04 1.58
1558 -1.18 -0.35 1.4 0.48 -0.84 -0.04 1 0.55 -0.01 -1.06
1268 1.01 1.97 -0.28 -2.08 -1.65 -0.53 -0.34 1 -0.92 -1.67
1553 -0.07 -1.01 -0.31 -0.05 -0.56 0.54 -0.31 -1.1 1 0.82
1130 1.1 -1.29 0.4 -0.22 -0.02 -2.07 1.42 -0.74 -2.26 1
# Name of this config file
this_config_filename : "/myProject/Code/runGenCor_ALL_Base_v1.config"
# cluster parameters - name of the queue you want to use
LSF_QUEUE_NAME : "normal"
# cluster parameters - amount of memory available in queue
LSF_MEMORY : "30000"
# relatedness matrices names
kinship_matrix_filename : "/myProject/data/genetic_cor_kinship_matrix.RData"
household_matrix_filename : "/myProject/data/genetic_cor_household_matrix.RData"
SNPnum : 638486 # Number of SNPs used to generate the Kinship matrix
# phenotypes file name – has to include ID, covariates and the phenotypes themselves
phenotypes_filename : /myProject/data/genetic_cor_phenotype_baseline.RData
# list of non-quantitative covariates
factor_covariates : ["SEX","CENTER","Education"]
# list of quantitative covariates
numeric_covariates : ["AGE","weights_baseline_log","EV1","EV2","EV3","EV4","EV5"]
# Name of ID field
idfield_name : "SUBJECT_ID"
# list of phenotype fields
phenotypes_fieldnames : ["SLPA54","WHIIRS","SLPDUR","ESS","EDS","global_cog_score","TOTAL_6ITEM","SEVLT_3TRIALS","SEVLT_RECALL","WORDFREQ","DIGITSYMBOL","short_slp","long_slp","AHI_GE15","SDB5","Avg_event_length","SLPA92","SLPA91","SLPA97","SLEA4","SLEA5","SLEA6","SLEA7","SLEA8"]
#relatedness parameters - used for blocked_bootstrap, heritabilities
relatedness_distance : 0.0625 #3rd degree relatives
#what phenotypes compare to what other ones. Group1 <-> Group2
phenotypes_group1 : ["SLPA54","WHIIRS","SLPDUR","ESS","EDS","short_slp","long_slp","AHI_GE15","SDB5","Avg_event_length","SLPA92","SLPA91","SLPA97","SLEA4","SLEA5","SLEA6","SLEA7","SLEA8"]
phenotypes_group1_Name : "Sleep"
phenotypes_group2 : ["global_cog_score","TOTAL_6ITEM","SEVLT_3TRIALS","SEVLT_RECALL","WORDFREQ","DIGITSYMBOL"]
phenotypes_group2_Name : "Cognition"
# Genetic Correlation - provide directory name for output files
workdirname : "/myProject/output/"
# Genetic Correlation - provide basis for file names to be generated
outfileprefix : "GenCor_CogSleep_newKinship_Household_Model2_All_v8"
# Number of genetic correlations to calculate per batch
# Number of repeats for Bootstrap per correlation. determines final possible pvalue. If 0 then only Fisher pvalues will be calculated
####filtering and figures
# calculate order by clustering for corrplots. If not will use same order as in "phenotypes"
# calculate display order for qgraphs
# do not display any correlations with pvalue less than this
pvalueThreshold : 0.05
# do not display any correlations calculated for less people than this
peopleNumThreshold : 1000
# do not display any correlations with absolute value less than this
correlationThreshold : 0
#Filename for script to run on the cluster - GCTA Heritability calculations
run_GCTA_script_filename : "/myProject/main/"
#Filename for script to run on the cluster - Distributed Genetic Correlation calculation
run_Gencor_script_filename : "/myProject/main/"
##### These are mainly internal filenames
# blocked lookup generation - provide file names to be generated
kinship_matrix_filename_blocked_lookup : "/myProject/main/genetic_cor_kinship_matrix_Base_All_lookup.RData"
household_matrix_filename_blocked_lookup : "/myProject/main/genetic_cor_household_matrix_Base_All_lookup.RData"
#convert data to GCTA format from R data - provide file names to be generated
phenotypes_GCTA_prefix : "/myProject/main/genetic_cor_phenotype_baseline_GCTA"
rerun_GCTA_script_filename : "/myProject/main/"
GCTA_cluster_filename_prefix : "/myProject/main/GCTA_VCs_pheno_NoRel3rdDeg_PCs5_2mat_Base_All"
CONVERT_MATRICES_toGCTA : False #if this is false, matrices generation will be skipped
Unrelated_individuals_filename : "/myProject/main/genetic_cor_kinship_matrix_Unrelated3rdDeg.RData"
kinship_matrix_filename_GCTA : "/myProject/main/genetic_cor_kinship_matrix_NoRel3rdDeg.GCTA"
household_matrix_filename_GCTA : "/myProject/main/genetic_cor_household_matrix_NoRel3rdDeg.GCTA"
two_matrix_GCTA_filename : "/myProject/main/20210511_genetic_cor_phenotype_baseline_GCTA_mgrm_K_HH.txt"
# Prtial correlations - need to provide precalculated pairs and group file. These files can be created after regular run
pairfile : ""
grpfile : ""