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An easy JavaScript library for selecting and moving elements. With no dependencies. Drag-Select & Drag-And-Drop. – Examples:


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The DragSelect logo: a selection symbol, a hand, a drop symbol and a mouse within a selection square.

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easily add a selection algorithm to your application/website.

The documentation is being migrated to Find the most up to date documentation there.


Project Page: Demo & Info


  • No dependencies No Dependency
  • Hyper customizable
  • Replicates operating system drag-selection in the browser
  • Accessibility (a11y)
  • Use modifier keys to make multiple independent selections
  • Select, Drag and Drop also also via keyboard
  • Supports all major browsers
  • Lightweight, only gzip size
  • Popular: npm downloads count on npm
  • DragSelect was written with Performance in mind (can easily select >15.000 Elements)
  • Supports SVG
  • Supports mobile (touch interaction)
  • Free & open source
  • Easy to use



Because apparently there was nothing that does not require jquery out there.
This is better than or and has no dependencies. We use it currently in a professional rich interface application where we have a file management system. The user can select files to organize them and change their metadata, with this plugin our users are able to select multiple files and perform batch/bulk-operations (applying changes to multiple files at once). We also started using it in production for a huge, graphical cloud hosting manager with a lot of active users. Users can select multiple servers, storages, etc. on an artboard to perform multi-operations, re-organize them, move them on the UI or batch-delete. We’re running it since January 18' it’s super helpful and very stable, let’s keep it that way. I can easily think of dozens other use-cases. I’m really keen to know how you use it in your projects, please let me know.


Please donate to support the countless hours of hard work & support. Especially if your company makes money, then there is no excuse. Thank you :)

If you're too poor or broke you can still support us with your time instead by contributing to the code!

Thanks To:

Browserstack DigitalOcean You?
BrowserStack is a service for cross-browser testing. They support this open source projects by providing us with a free account! DigitalOcean is a cloud hosting service. They support this open source projects by providing us with free credits! Thank and support us by making a Direct Donation to DragSelect (via Bitcoin: 1LdweSpjgSeJC8XxX3swrohBMBLUzg6cmC). Or sponsor via GitHub Sponsors or Get in touch.

Donations are distributed with all project contributors proportionally to their involvement. We are grateful for any amount: we have more than npm downloads count, imagine how much we'd have if everyone would have had donated only 1$ 🤩 (unfortunately this did not happen). If you donate, we can display your logo here if you want, which will give you fame, fortune and help you recruit great talent and boosting your SEO.


Read the Getting Started.


npm install --save dragselect


yarn add dragselect


Just download the file (minified) and add it to your document:

<script src=""></script>

Note: if you are using <script type=module you can use the DragSelect.es6m.js or ds.es6m.min.js files as they include export default DragSelect

We don't recommend the direct linking for production set-up since you'll not benefit from versioning. Please use npm if you can.

Bower (deprecated)

bower install --save dragselect

Note: the Bower project is deprecated. Please use npm instead. If you have to use bower, you'll have to build the project after installing it via npm run rollup

That's it, you're ready to rock!

Of course you can also just include the code within your code and bundle it to save a request.

DragSelect supports module.exports, AMD Modules with define, es6 modules with .es6m versions and has a fallback to global namespace for maximum out of the box support.


Now in your JavaScript you can simply pass elements to the function like so:


Read the Simple Usage Guide

The simplest possible usage.
Choose which elements can be selected:

new DragSelect({
  selectables: document.getElementsByClassName('selectable-nodes')

Find a live example in the Guide

Within a Scroll-Able Area

Read the Area Guide

Here the selection is constrained. You can only use the selection/drag inside of the area container:

new DragSelect({
  selectables: document.getElementsByClassName('selectable-nodes'),
  area: document.getElementById('area')

Find a live example in the Area Guide

With DropZones

Read the DropZones Guide

Example of DropZones. DropZones are areas where you can drop the selected elements into.

const ds = new DragSelect({
  selectables: document.querySelectorAll('.selectable-nodes'),
  area: document.querySelector('#area'),
  dropZones: [
    { element: document.querySelector('#zone-1'), id: 'zone-1' }, // all selectables can be dropped into zone 1
    { element: document.querySelector('#zone-2'), id: 'zone-2', droppables: document.querySelectorAll('#item-2,#item-4') }, // only items 2 and 4 are droppable
  dropInsideThreshold: 1, // 1 = has to be 100% inside the dropzone, 0.5 = 50% inside, 0 = just touching is fine

ds.subscribe('callback', ({
  dropTarget: {
      id: "zone-1",
      element: <node />,
      droppables: [ <node />,  ],
      itemsDropped: [ <node />,  ], // elements that were selected on drop
      itemsInside: [ <node />,  ] // elements that are inside the bounds of the dropzone
  }) => {
  if(dropTarget?.itemsDropped?.length) {
    // do something
    console.log('Dropped', dropTarget.itemsDropped, 'into',;

This will also add some respective classes

Find a live example in the guide


All options are optional. You could also just initiate the Dragselect by new DragSelect({}); without any option.
Find all possible properties and methods in the docs

// if you add the function to a variable like this, you have access to all its functions
const ds = new DragSelect({
  // all settings are optional and can be added later

// this is how you add/update settings after initialization
  // node/nodes that can be selected. By default will never add elements twice:
  selectables: document.querySelectorAll('.selectable-nodes'),
  // area in which you can drag. If not provided it will be the whole document & body/documentElement.
  area: document.getElementById('area'),
  // and many more, see "properties" section in the docs

// fired once the user releases the mouse. (items) = selected nodes:
ds.subscribe('callback', ({ items, event }) => {})
// returns all currently selected nodes:
// Teardown/stop the whole functionality:
// Reset the functionality after a teardown:

// and many more, see "methods" section in documentation

You can also use the "shift", "ctrl" or "command" key to make multiple independent selections.


Read the React Guide

Mobile/Touch usage

Read the Mobile Touch Guide

Accessibility (a11y)

DragSelect is accessible by default:

=> Your selectables should be buttons: <button type="button"></button>.
=> ArrowKeys are used for keyboard dragging.

Read the Accessibility Guide

Use Your Own Drag & Drop

Read the Custom Drag and Drop Guide

Constructor Properties (Settings)

DragSelect is hyper customizable. Note, all properties are optional.

Read the Settings API docs

Moreover any setting can also be updated or added after the initialization, see post-initialization setting updates.

Here is the full list:

property type usage default
area single DOM element (node) The square in which you are able to select document
selectables DOM elements [nodes] The elements that can be selected []
autoScrollSpeed number The speed in which the area scrolls while selecting (if available). The unit is arbitrary (interval aims for 30fps). Set to 0.0001 to disable auto-scrolling. 5
overflowTolerance { x:number, y:number } Tolerance for autoScroll (how close one has to be near an edges for autoScroll to start) {x:25,y:25}
zoom number Zoom scale factor (in case of using CSS style transform: scale() which messes with real positions). Unit scale zoom. 1
customStyles boolean If true, no styles will be automatically applied to the selector element (except position: absolute). false
multiSelectMode boolean Add newly selected elements to the selection instead of replacing them. false
multiSelectToggling boolean Whether or not to toggle already active elements while multi-selecting. true (MacOS selection behavior)
multiSelectKeys array Keys that allows switching to the multi-select mode (see the multiSelectMode option). Any key value is possible (see MDN docs). Note that the best support is given for Control, Shift and Meta. Provide an empty array [] if you want to turn off the functionality. ['Control', 'Shift', 'Meta']
selector single DOM element (node) The square that will be used to draw the selection. Auto-created HTML Element
selectionThreshold number How much % of the element has to be selected to be considered selected (0 = just touching, 1 = fully inside the selection) 0
draggability boolean When a user is dragging on an already selected element, the selection is dragged. true
immediateDrag boolean Whether a selectable element is draggable before being selected or needs to be selected first true
keyboardDrag boolean Whether or not the user can drag with the keyboard (Accessibility). true
dragKeys { up:string[], down:string[], left:string[], righ:string[] } The keys available to drag element using the keyboard. Any key value is possible (see MDN docs). { up:['ArrowUp'], down: ['ArrowDown'], left: ['ArrowLeft'], righ: ['ArrowRight'] }
keyboardDragSpeed number The speed at which elements are dragged using the keyboard. In pixels per keyDown. 10
useTransform boolean Whether to use the more performant hardware accelerated css transforms when dragging instead of the top/left positions. true
refreshMemoryRate number Refresh rate on memoization, higher numbers mean better performance but more lag if elements are moving, lower numbers mean less lag but worse performance. If none of your DOMNodes are moving, you can set it to a very high number to increase performance. Value in milliseconds. 80
dropZones [{ id: 'string', element: single DOM element (node), droppables?: DOM elements [nodes] }] zones with association of droppable items that can be dropped into them. id: any unique identifying string. element: is the dropzone itself. droppables: the elements that can be dropped into that zone. This is optional, by default it is all selectables []
dropInsideThreshold number How much % of the item has to be inside the dropzone to be considered inside (0 = barely touching, 1 = completely inside) 1
dropTargetThreshold number How much % of the zone does the pointer has to be in to be considered a target (0 = anywhere in the zone, max: 0.5 = has to point at the center of the zone) 0
usePointerEvents boolean Whether to use Pointer Events to replace traditional Mouse or Touch Events. Useful for tools like Google Blockly. false
selectedClass string The class name assigned to the selected items. see classes
hoverClass string The class name assigned to the mouse hovered items. see classes
selectorClass string The class name assigned to the square selector helper. see classes
selectableClass string The class name assigned to the elements that can be selected. see classes
selectorClass string The class assigned to the square selector helper ds-selector
selectorAreaClass string The class assigned to the square in which the selector resides. By default it's invisible ds-selector-area
droppedTargetClass string On an item corresponding the target dropzone. This is also the prefix for ds-dropped-target-${}. ds-dropped-target & ds-dropped-target-${}
droppedInsideClass string On an item that is within its dropzone bounds after a drop. This is also the prefix for ds-dropped-inside-${} ds-dropped-inside & ds-dropped-inside-${}
droppableClass string On element that can be dropped into at least one container. This is also the prefix for ds-droppable-${} ds-droppable & ds-droppable-${}
dropZoneClass string On each dropZone ds-dropzone
dropZoneReadyClass string On corresponding dropZone when element is dragged ds-dropzone-ready
dropZoneTargetClass string On dropZone that has elements from any successful target drop ds-dropzone-target
dropZoneInsideClass string On dropZone that has elements inside after any drop ds-dropzone-inside
dragAsBlock boolean Whether to drag multiple elements as a single block or as individual items false

Post-Initialization Setting-Updates

Any setting can be updated/added after initialization by using the setSettings method. Here is an example updating the area and the selectables:

const ds = new DragSelect({})
  selectables: document.getElementsByClassName('selectable-nodes'),
  area: document.getElementById('area')

Event Callbacks

Read the Events API docs

Event Callbacks are used like this:

ds.subscribe('<event_name>', (callback_object) => {})


Read the Events API docs

event_name callback_object description
callback { items, event, isDragging, … } Fired after the selection (i.e. on mouse-up).
dragstart { items, event, isDragging, isDraggingKeyboard, … } Fired when the selection starts (i.e. on mouse-down).
dragmove { items, event, isDragging, isDraggingKeyboard, … } Fired when the mouse moves while dragging (i.e. on mouse-move).
autoscroll { items, isDragging, scroll_directions, scroll_multiplier, … } Fired when the area is auto-scrolled (i.e. cursor on a corner of the area).
elementselect { items, item, … } Fired when an element is added to the selection.
elementunselect { items, item, … } Fired when an element is removed from the selection.

Note: all your callbacks subscribers will run happen after the internal code ran. If you want to run something before everything else, use the pre prefix. I.e. predragstart is an event that runs before any internal start logic.

Callback Object Keys

Read the Callback Object docs

callback_object_keys type description
event MouseEvent|TouchEvent|KeyboardEvent The native HTML Event, depending on the situational context
items Array.<HTMLElement|SVGElement|*> Current selected elements
isDragging boolean If true, the user is dragging the selected elements, if false the user is drawing a selection
isDraggingKeyboard boolean If true, the user is dragging the selected elements with the keyboard
scroll_directions Array.<'top'|'bottom'|'left'|'right'|undefined> The direction in which the event is happening (i.e. scroll direction)
scroll_multiplier number Speed
item HTMLElement|SVGElement|* The single element currently being interacted with if any
dropTarget { id: 'id', element: node, droppables: [node], itemsDropped: [node], itemsInside: [node] } dropZone in which the droppable elements were dropped into. itemsDropped: all items that were dropped on the target. itemsInside: all items that are within the bounds of the zone

Note: all object keys are optional and might not be available, depending on the event type. So make sure to check for availability first


Read the Methods API docs

method properties usage
stop / Will teardown/stop the whole functionality
start / Reset the functionality after a teardown
break / Utility to override DragSelect internal functionality. Breaks out of current flow. Read docs for more info.
setSettings settings:Settings Update any setting dynamically, see Settings
getSelection / Returns all currently selected nodes
addSelection elements:DOM Elements, triggerCallback:boolean, dontAddToSelectables:boolean adds one or multiple elements to the selection. If boolean is set to true: callback will be called afterwards. Adds them to the selectables if they're not yet in the set (can be turned off by setting the last boolean to true)
removeSelection elements:DOM Elements, triggerCallback:boolean, removeFromSelectables:boolean removes one or multiple elements to the selection. If boolean is set to true: callback will be called afterwards. If last boolean is set to true, it also removes them from the possible selectable nodes if they were.
toggleSelection elements:DOM Elements, triggerCallback:boolean, alsoSelectables:boolean toggles one or multiple elements to the selection. If element is not in selection it will be added, if it is already selected, it will be removed. If boolean is set to true: callback will be called afterward. If last boolean is set to true, it also removes selected elements from possible selectable nodes & doesn’t add them to selectables if they are not (can be turned off by setting the last boolean to true).
setSelection elements:DOM Elements, triggerCallback:boolean, dontAddToSelectables:boolean sets the selection to one or multiple elements. If boolean is set to true: callback will be called afterwards. Adds them to the selectables if they're not yet in the set (can be turned off by setting the last boolean to true)
clearSelection DOM elements [nodes], Boolean (callback) remove all elements from the selection. If boolean is set to true: callback will be called afterwards.
clearSelection triggerCallback:boolean Unselect / Deselect all current selected Nodes
addSelectables elements:DOM Elements, addToSelection:boolean Adds elements that can be selected. Don’t worry, nodes are never added twice. If boolean is set to true: elements will also be added to current selection.
removeSelectables elements:DOM Elements, removeFromSelection:boolean Remove elements from the set of elements that can be selected. If boolean is set to true: elements will also be removed from current selection.
getSelectables / Returns array with all nodes that can be selected.
getInitialCursorPosition / Returns the registered x, y coordinates the cursor had when first clicked
getCurrentCursorPosition / Returns current x, y coordinates of the cursor
getPreviousCursorPosition / Returns last registered x, y coordinates of the cursor (after last callback)
getInitialCursorPositionArea / Returns the registered x, y coordinates relative to the area the cursor had when first clicked
getCurrentCursorPositionArea / Returns current x, y coordinates of the cursor relative to the area
getPreviousCursorPositionArea / Returns last registered x, y coordinates of the cursor relative to the area (after last callback)
isMultiSelect `event:KeyboardEvent MouseEvent
isDragging / Whether the user is currently drag n dropping elements (instead of selection)
getZoneByCoordinates Optional {x: number, y: number} Returns the first drop target under the current mouse position, or, if provided at coordinates x/y
getItemsDroppedByZoneId zoneId: string Returns the items dropped into a specific zone (by
getItemsInsideByZoneId zoneId: string,addClasses: boolean Returns the items that are visually inside a specific zone (by

CSS Classes

Read the CSS Classes API docs

name trigger
.ds-selected On items that are selected
.ds-hover On items that are currently hovered
.ds-selector On the selector element
.ds-selector-area The overlay where the selector resides in
.ds-selectable On items that can be selected
.ds-droppable on item that can be dropped into at least one zone
.ds-droppable-${id} on item that can be dropped into a zone with specific identifier, ${id} will be replaced by the corresponding
.ds-dropped-target on an item corresponding the target dropzone
.ds-dropped-target-${id} on an item corresponding the target dropzone with specific identifier, ${id} will be replaced by the corresponding
.ds-dropped-inside on an item that is within its dropzone bounds after a drop
.ds-dropped-inside-${id} on an item that is within its dropzone bounds after a drop with specific identifier, ${id} will be replaced by the corresponding
.ds-dropzone on each dropZone
.ds-dropzone-ready on corresponding dropZone when corresponding item is being dragged
.ds-dropzone-target on dropZone when it was target of a successful drop
.ds-dropzone-inside on dropZone that has elements inside after any drop

note: you can change the class names setting the respective property on the constructor, see the docs properties section.

Have Fun!

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An easy JavaScript library for selecting and moving elements. With no dependencies. Drag-Select & Drag-And-Drop. – Examples:



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