- Pro
HazeSpace2M Public
HazeSpace2M is a large scale paired hazy dataset for training and evaluating haze type classification models and single image dehazing models.
TriFuse Public
LoLI-Street is a low-light image enhancement dataset for training and testing low-light image enhancement models under urban street scenes.
This folder contains the basic algorithms of ML implemented with Python.
PyTorch--Python Public
A repository of Jupyter notebooks showcasing a range of PyTorch applications, from foundational concepts and linear regression to neural network models for image classification tasks.
YOLOV5CustomDataset Public
This repository demonstrates how to use YOLOv5 for object detection on a custom dataset. It includes scripts and instructions for preparing the dataset, training the model, and evaluating its perfo…
Stable-Diffusion-Hyper-SDXL---Colab Public
Forked from woctezuma/stable-diffusion-colabColab notebook for Stable Diffusion Hyper-SDXL.
Machine-Learning-Books Public
Collection of all Machine Learning Related Books
2 UpdatedMar 9, 2024 -
Python--Basics Public
Contains some fundamental codes of Python.
Brain--Tumor--Classification Public
Brain Tumor Classification using Pytroch and Tensorflow Transfer Learning Approach.
This repository provides a Python implementation of Selective Search for object detection. It includes code for segmenting an image using the Felzenszwalb method, extracting candidate regions for o…
OpenCV Public
A curated collection of Python scripts exploring the basics of OpenCV for image processing, including operations like blurring, edge detection, and color space transformations.
Numpy--Python Public
Neural-Networks--Keras Public
Feature-Engineering--Python Public
Feature-Selection--Python Public
"A set of Jupyter Notebooks on feature selection methods in Python for machine learning. It covers techniques like constant feature removal, correlation analysis, information gain, chi-square testi…
Seaborn--Python Public
This repository is a comprehensive tutorial for creating statistical visualizations in Python using the Seaborn library. It includes a series of Jupyter Notebooks tailored to different types of plo…