Add it to your :dev
or :test
alias deps.
{:aliases {:test {:extra-paths ["test" "target"]
:extra-deps {tape/dev {:local/root "../dev"}}}}}
In a a Clojure REPL, start:
CLJS REPL with piggieback. -
Figwheel with a build based on project-level dev.cljs.edn file. -
as above, with piggieback -
(build/auto m)
a build based on configuration discovered automatically; the mapm
is a an optional map of overrides like{:main 'my.core}
Note: for piggieback: use a Clojure nREPL with piggieback middleware.
Serving WebJars assets is useful in DevCards. To do it add the following entry in your config (for figwheel is in the meta part of edn config):
^{:ring-handler tape.dev.server/handler}
{:main my.core}
The tape.tools.server/app
handler uses middleware that serves static
resources from "/META-INF/resources/webjars"
, so assets can be linked as:
[:link {:rel "stylesheet" :href "/webjars/bulma/0.8.0/css/bulma.min.css"}]
This pulls in re-frame-10x and Bulma WebJar for use in development and DevCards.