A Processing editor for the browser.
Create a file secrets.php
at the root with the configuration data needed in /protected/config/params.php
(DB, email, sandbox). See secrets-example.php
Pi is dedicated to Processing creatives. It aims to provide a convinient space to create, exhibit and share interactive works, drawings and animations written in Processing, a Java-like language for artists and designers.
Pi runs in the browser and uses Processing JS, the javascript port of Processing.
Pi does not support mobile devices at the moment.
- Desktop-like development environment.
- Original Processing ide interface emulation with tabs.
- Ide error console.
- Live code.
- Javascript mode (read-only).
- Auto save.
- Auto resize sketches to fit the screen.
- Full-screen presentation mode.
- Play-pause sketches.
- Secured log in and sign up processes.
Author: taseenb (Esteban Almiron)
Pi uses open source software:
And others: see the /scripts/
and /scripts/lib/