TaskCollect microservice for interacting with Google Classroom.
Currently in prototyping stage, in a rewrite of the entire thing.
GET /v1/tasks
Returns all active assignments for the user, alongside their materials, and submission information.
"token": {
"refresh": "AbCdEfGhIjKlMn...",
"access": "OpQrStUvWxYz1234...",
"expires": 1234567890 // unix timestamp
"materials": [
"title": "Some Document",
"link": "https://docs.google.com/abc123"
"id": "12345678910",
"name": "Example Assignment",
"courseId": "987654321",
"courseName": "11 Maths Methods or something",
"description": "In this assignment we do lots of maths",
"dueOn": 1624976940, // unix timestamp
"setOn": 1624928174, // unix timestamp
"submission": {
"id": "AbCDeF156172gHIj",
"state": "TURNED_IN", // refer to google classroom for enum values
"late": "false" // is it late?
{ /* another assignment */ },
{ /* another assignment */ },
{ /* another assignment */ }