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109 lines (72 loc) · 7.63 KB


Writing tests can be boring and lazy. But we promise, cover your plugin with tests for quality - we have covered you with the complete facility and configuration.

Follow this best practices to write good and maintainable tests:


Unit- and snapshot testing

Each packages and plugins comes with a predefined and bullet-proof TypeScript implementation of Jest. Simply navigate to your package or plugin and run yarn test:jest. Test files are located in {packages,plugins}/*/test/jest.

If you have a look at the jest.setup.js file you will notice an inclusion of enzyme. Enzyme is a JavaScript library for React testing utilities - and is preinstalled ad configured in all your future packages.

Pro tip: If you write Jest tests you can start watching test files with yarn jest --watch.


Unit testing

Each packages and plugins comes with a predefined and bullet-proof implementation of PHPUnit. Simply navigate to your package or plugin and run yarn test:phpunit. Test files are located in {packages,plugins}/*/test/phpunit.

Unfortunately PHPUnit is not as handy as Jest, so we need to rely on further tools:

  • WP_Mock is a WordPress API Mocking framework
  • WordPress Stubs is needed to mock WordPress API functions and classes - brings also the advantage of VSCode autocompletion for WordPress resources
  • Mockery is the player in PHPUnit testing frameworks and provides a lot of useful functionality to mock your source code in tests
  • Patchwork is an awesome tool to mock PHP internal functions as this is not possible by default

The boilerplate provides a TestCaseUtils trait in common/phpunit.base.php file. If you use that trait in your Test classes you can abstract util functionalities. You will find a predefined expectCallbacksReached method allowing you to expect a given callback is reached - it plays well with redefine (Patchwork):

namespace MatthiasWeb\Utils\Test;

use TestCaseUtils;
use WP_Mock\Tools\TestCase;

use function Patchwork\redefine;

final class MyTest extends TestCase
    use TestCaseUtils;

    public function testErrorLogWrites()

        redefine('error_log', function ($callback) {



Pro tip: If you write PHPUnit tests you can focus on single tests with yarn phpunit --filter testErrorLogWrites$.


For both Jest and PHPUnit you can collect coverage information, for this refer to yarn test:{jest|phpunit}:coverage. If you commit to GitLab repository and start a merge request you will notice a Code coverage percent right to your merge request (as you can see here).

Also, is fully implemented if you just add an environment variable CODECOV_TOKEN. After you have setup Codecov you will get code coverage reports in your GitLab repository merge requests.

{% hint style="info" %} Jest and PHPUnit tests coming with the boilerplate does not covered example implementations as they are removed the most time after plugin creation. {% endhint %}

With coverage reports you will hear also about Coverage threshold. It means, if you do not reach a given percentage of coverage the pipeline will fail and you are not able to merge. The thresholds are configured in {plugins,packages}/*/package.json#phpunit-coverage-threshold and common/jest.base.js#coverageThreshold. The predefined threshold is 80.

{% hint style="warning" %} If you want to locally collect coverage reports for your PHPUnit tests (yarn test:phpunit:coverage) you need to install XDebug. {% endhint %}


Integration- and End-to-end testing for plugins

E2E are tests which runs directly in a (headless) browser and simulates a real user. The boilerplate comes with Cypress - currently the best E2E solution we know - together with Cucumber (a Gherkin syntax implementation for Cypress).

You can find the cypress related files (user interactions) in plugins/your-plugin/test/cypress/. The example implementation simply logs into WordPress and checks if the Hello World REST API endpoint is available, and adds a Todo item. When opening the folder you will notice the following important abstraction:

  • 📁 integration
    • 📄 adminPage.feature Describing your .feature files in Gherkin syntax
  • 📁 step-definitions Represents your .feature implementations
    • 📁 adminPage
      • 📄 adminPage.ts Example E2E test for the WordPress admin page
      • 📄 AdminPageObject.ts An page object describes a single page and exposes static methods. Generally you maintain all your "CSS" selectors there
    • 📁 common
      • 📄 common.ts Shareable expressions you can use in your .feature files

With GitLab CI, Cypress brings a lot of cool features to you: Do E2E tests for each commit in a complete fresh WordPress instance and make a video if something goes wrong. Prerequisite is an own GitLab runner.

Pro tip: If you write E2E tests you can focus on single features e. g. with yarn cypress-tags run -e TAGS='@only'. Refer to Running tagged tests.

{% hint style="info" %} Do not add configurations to cypress.josn file directly. Open plugins/your-plugin/test/cypress/plugins/index.js and have a look at the applyConfig function. {% endhint %}