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Extend GitLab CI pipeline

More advanced developers want to extend the existing GitLab CI Pipeline. We want to give you some notes where your jobs should be placed. Also, some "Template jobs" are predefined (jobs prefixed with dot .).

Template jobs

Template jobs are jobs prefixed with a dot . in yml files. They can be used together with extends and some requires variables defined.


You can find all root template jobs in devops/.gitlab/stage-containerize.ts:

.containerize: Build docker images from devops/docker/ and push to Gitlab Container Registry.


You can find all root template jobs in .gitlab-ci.ts:

.install: Installs all needed node and composer dependencies. In conjunction with install stage it just makes sure all is installed correctly. It does not reinstall instead it prints out something like Already up-to-date.

.only production: Only run job on master branch.

.lerna changes: Only run job if lerna detects changes (lerna changed) for a given package. Required variables: $JOB_PACKAGE_FOLDER, $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME. Note: This template job only works after release did run.


You can find all validate template jobs in devops/.gitlab/stage-validate.ts:

.yarn licenses: Scan licenses for yarn dependencies. Required variables: $JOB_PACKAGE_FOLDER, $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME.

.composer licenses: Scan licenses for composer dependencies. Required variables: $JOB_PACKAGE_FOLDER, $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME.

{% page-ref page="../advanced/" %}


You can find all build template jobs in devops/.gitlab/stage-build.ts:

.docs: Generate technical documents (yarn docs) and store as artifact. Required variables: $JOB_PACKAGE_FOLDER, $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME.

.lint eslint: Lint JavaScript/TypeScript source code (yarn lint:eslint). Required variables: $JOB_PACKAGE_FOLDER, $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME.

.lint phpcs: Lint PHP source code (yarn lint:phpcs). Required variables: $JOB_PACKAGE_FOLDER, $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME.

.build plugin: Type check, build the plugin (yarn build) and store as artifact. Required variable: $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME.

See also this.

{% page-ref page="../advanced/" %}


You can find all test template jobs in devops/.gitlab/stage-test.ts:

.phpunit: Start the PHPUnit tests in a given package. Required variables: $JOB_PACKAGE_FOLDER, $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME.

.jest: Start the Jest tests in a given package. Required variables: $JOB_PACKAGE_FOLDER, $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME.

.upload codecov: Start to upload Coverage reports to Required variables: $CODECOV_TOKEN.

.docker e2e cypress: Start the E2E tests in a complete new WordPress environment. Required variables: $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME, $DOCKER_DAEMON_ALLOW_UP.

See also this.

{% page-ref page="../advanced/" %}


You can find all release template jobs in devops/.gitlab/stage-release.ts: Synchronize the built plugin with the SVN repository. Required variables: $WPORG_SVN_URL, $WPORG_SVN_USERNAME, $WPORG_SVN_PASSWORD, $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME, $COPY_BUILD_FOLDER.

See also this.

{% page-ref page="./" %}


You can find all the plugin template jobs in plugins/*/devops/.gitlab/.gitlab-ci.ts:

.wprjss jobs: Predefine $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME. Extend from that template in all your jobs for the given plugin.

.wprjss only changes: Only run a job when changes of a specific plugin are pushed. Note: You have to add also paths of your monolithic dependencies (composer, yarn, other plugins).

{% hint style="info" %} Plugin template jobs are abstractions to predefine variables needed in other templates like .build plugin. In your plugins they are named with the prefix you defined with create-wp-react-app create-plugin. {% endhint %}


You can find all the package template jobs in packages/*/devops/.gitlab/.gitlab-ci.ts:

.utils jobs: Predefine $JOB_PACKAGE_NAME. Extend from that template in all your jobs for the given package.

.utils only changes: Only run a job when changes of a specific package are pushed. Note: You have to add also paths of your monolithic dependencies (composer, yarn, other plugins).

{% hint style="info" %} Package template jobs are abstractions to predefine variables needed in other templates like .yarn licenses. In your plugins they are named with the prefix you defined with create-wp-react-app create-package. {% endhint %}

{% page-ref page="../advanced/" %}

Available variables

Following variables can be passed to template jobs / pipeline:

Variable Description Example value Configure in
JOB_PACKAGE_FOLDER Subfolder where packages are stored. plugins, packages Job
JOB_PACKAGE_NAME Package folder. wp-reactjs-starter, utils Job
DOCKER_DAEMON_ALLOW_UP If true jobs like E2E tests and review apps work as expected. 1 Project Settings > CI/CD
WPORG_SVN_URL SVN repository URL of your plugin. - Job
WPORG_SVN_USERNAME SVN username for authentication. - Project Settings > CI/CD
WPORG_SVN_PASSWORD (mask) SVN password for authentication. - Project Settings > CI/CD
COPY_BUILD_FOLDER Path joined with plugins/*/build/ for SVN commit. wp-reactjs-starter Job
NPM_TOKEN (mask) lerna publish allows to publish directly to through auth token - Project Settings > CI/CD
GITLAB_TOKEN (mask) lerna version allows to commit directly to the repository through auth token. - Project Settings > CI/CD
CI_TRAEFIK_HOST Traefik host for Review applications 192-168-1-250 Project Settings > CI/CD
CI_TRAEFIK_BAUTH Traefik basic auth for Review applications - Project Settings > CI/CD
CODECOV_TOKEN (mask) Code coverage upload token - Project Settings > CI/CD
PHP_COMPOSER_GITHUB_TOKEN (mask) GitHub OAuth token to avoid rate limit. Learn more - Project Settings > CI/CD