Go-seer is a tool to parse and edit YAML files in a directory as one structure.
- Preserves comments and formatting of original document
- Creates non existing documents
- Maps folders and files to objects
Note: Under the hood we use gopkg.in/yaml.v3 so YAML 1.1 & 1.2 are supported.
The import path for the package is github.com/taubyte/go-seer.
To install it, run:
go get github.com/taubyte/go-seer
First start by creating an instance of go-seer
s := New(SystemFS("config/"))
Note that you can also use a virtual file system.
import "github.com/spf13/afero"
vfs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
s := New(VirtualFS(vfs,"config/"))
Now, let's build a query that will create a YAML file representing a leaf object:
type EV struct {
Battery int
Range int
err = seer.Get("cars").Get("electric").Get("taumobile").Document().Set(EV{Battery: 100, Range:400}).Commit()
If you check the file system you will find
Open taumobile.yaml
Battery: 100
Range: 400
To query a value
var battery int
fmt.Printf("Battery of %dKwh\n", battery)
Will print
Battery of 100Kwh