New functionality:
- Added support for reporting of full test results for every test, in order for TcUnit-Runner to be able to create xUnit/JUnit XML reports. Together with the release of TcUnit-Runner, this solves the issues #7, #11 and #67. For TcUnit-Runner, see
- Moved TcUnit-Verifier repository to the TcUnit repository, see #60.
- Added test results in one single place, see #68.
- Added optional parameters for the test results, see #70.
- Added parameter for the size of the ringbuffer for the ADS-logger, see #88.
- Added WSTRING-support, see #106.
Issues solved:
- Sometimes the DTE doesn't show all errors, see #71.
- Discrepancy between 4022 and 4024 in TIME_TO_STRING makes tests fail, see #80.
- Multiple Suites fail to complete, see #99.
- Printing of results takes much longer compared to version 1.0, see #103.
- AssertEquals(ANY) for STRING and WSTRING should look at LEN/WLEN, see #108.
- Page Fault when starting TcUnit.RUN() without any TestSuites installed, see #120.
Misc issues/PRs included:
- FB_Stringbuffer; add a .Clear() method, see #49.
- FB_Stringbuffer; add .prepend() method, see #50.
- Some method headers are missing documentation, see #58.
- The call_after_init attribute is unnecessary in test suites, see #59.
- FB_ADSTestResultFormatter does not need to be timed, see #65.
- Create documentation for contribution, see #72.
- Add tester for free function F_AnyToUnionValue(), see #73.
- Additional tests for 2D/3D REAL/LREAL arrays, see #75.
- Create tests for IS_TEST_FINISHED, see #76.
- Test class instantiation is redundantly verbose, see #77.
- There's no need to add any attributes to test suites, see #79.
- Add tests for WRITE_PROTECTED_ functions, see #83.
- LineIDs necessary?, see #85.
- Assert results provide only failed assert statistics, see #86.
- Clarification of contrib guidelines, see #111.
Website ( including the documentation is updated for the new version.
Compiled using TwinCAT 3.1.4022.32.