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Interim report

Past due by over 4 years 40% complete

This stage is for writing the interim report.
Complete the following jobs:
0. 4000-5000 words

  1. Expanded description
  2. Background research
  3. Requirements specification
  4. Initial design of the proposed system and its user interface
  5. Record of key implementation decisions
  6. Results of any initial implementation steps/prototyping
  7. Discussion of any problems encountered
  8. T…

This stage is for writing the interim report.
Complete the following jobs:
0. 4000-5000 words

  1. Expanded description
  2. Background research
  3. Requirements specification
  4. Initial design of the proposed system and its user interface
  5. Record of key implementation decisions
  6. Results of any initial implementation steps/prototyping
  7. Discussion of any problems encountered
  8. Time plan for the project
  9. Minutes from the meetings