Game manual:
Software manual:
- The "Introduction" has links to Java learning resources. See also Free Java Book
- See "Step 2: Installing Software", "WPILib Installation Guide".
- See "Basic Programming", "Git Version Control" for installing
- Start "2025 WPILib VS Code". Invoke "View", "Command Palette...", "Git clone".
Enter the URL
. For a target location, create a folder "git" in your home directory and place the git clone there. Select "Open" when then asked to open what you just fetched from git. - "View", "Command Palette", "WPILib: Simulate Robot Code"
- In simulation, use the menu "Network Tables", "Smart Dashboard" to show "Field", "DemoMechanism" and "Selectable Chooser".
- Connect joystick and drive around in teleop
- Select auto option and run it in autonomous
Start with the "WPILib Installation Guide" mentioned above. Read the Software manual. Read all of it until "Advanced programming". May skip the details about LabVIEW, python, C++ since we're using Java. Glance throught the Advanced programming section to at least know what's in there.
Additional PID resources:
Prepare for next season by using the 2025Beta release
- Run Falcon and Pigeon with beta software
- Port swervebot to beta software
January 4: Kickoff,,
- Install 2025 version of WPILib, driver station, CTRE tools (Phoenix Tuner) on robots laptop
- Run swervebot to kickoff software
- Configure new radio for usage similar to original radio:
- Connect via DS port and see http://radio.local
- Upgrade firmware
- Configure SSIDadn 2.4 GHz password, enable 2.4 GHz wifi via DIP #3
Throughout January
- Program drive base (swervebot, new swerve module test setup) with current software
- Tune drive base
- Prepare autonomous moves
- Test any hardware that we'll likely use on the robot
- Setup camera for April tag detection
- Create command that rotates to april tag
- Attempt command to swerve & rotate such that heading of robot is perpendicular to tag
- Prepare software for other robot components as they are defined & designed
- Test software for all robot components
- Update autonomouse moves to include picking up game pieces etc.
- Drive practice
April: Competition,