A CLI program to edit your videos, instantly, with minimum input.
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theapache64/auto-motion/master/install.sh" -q --show-progress -O install.sh && sh install.sh && source ~/.bashrc
usage: auto-motion -v input.mp4 [-H] -V <arg> [-BGM <arg>] [-ST <arg>]
[-VL <arg>] [-MTL <arg>] [-TLS <arg>] [-ID <arg>] [-CR <arg>] [-WM
<arg>] [-IT <arg>] [-CT <arg>] [-IST <arg>] [-CST <arg>] [-F <arg>]
[-HL <arg>] [-WMC <arg>] [-WMS <arg>] [-WMBG <arg>] [-WMBGO <arg>]
[-TFS <arg>] [-STFS <arg>] [-TC <arg>] [-STC <arg>] [-BG <arg>]
[-RSRT <arg>] [-DSRT] [-RFMPG] [-sf] [-KS]
A tool to edit your lengthy screen records, automatically. Version :
-H,--help To print help text
-V,--video <arg> Video inputs (required at least
-BGM,--background-music <arg> Background music for timelapse.
-ST,--sub-title <arg> Intro sub title
-VL,--video-lang <arg> Video language. Default 'en'
-MTL,--min-tl-src-len <arg> Minimum timelapse source length
(in seconds). Default '2.0'
-TLS,--timelapse-speed <arg> Timelapse speed (must be < 1). 0.5
= 2x speed, 0.25 = 4x. Default
-ID,--intro-duration <arg> Intro duration (in seconds).
Default '3.0'
-CR,--credits-duration <arg> Credits duration (in seconds).
Default '2'
-WM,--watermark <arg> Watermark text. Default
(theapache64) (active username)
-IT,--intro-title <arg> Intro title. Default (theapache64)
(active username)
-CT,--credits-title <arg> Credits title. Default 'Thank
-IST,--intro-sub-title <arg> Intro sub title. Default 'Mar 05
2020' (current date)
-CST,--credits-sub-title <arg> Credits sub title. Default
(theapache64) (active username)
-F,--font <arg> Font file path. Default
-HL,--highlight <arg> Highlight of the video. Format
'HH:mm:ss-ss' (from- to seconds).
auto-motion -v input.mp4 -HL
Will highlight 5 seconds of clip
from 00:01:00
-WMC,--wm-color <arg> Watermark text color. Default
-WMS,--wm-size <arg> Watermark text size. Default '24'
-WMBG,--wm-background-color <arg> Watermark background color.
Default 'black'
-WMBGO,--wm-background-opacity <arg> Watermark background opacity.
Default '0.5'
-TFS,--title-font-size <arg> Title font size. Default '30'
-STFS,--sub-title-font-size <arg> Sub title font size. Default '15'
-TC,--title-color <arg> Title color. Default 'white'
-STC,--sub-title-color <arg> Sub title color. Default 'gray'
-BG,--background-color <arg> Background color. Default 'black'
-RSRT,--raw-srt <arg> To cancel autosub usage and use
passed SRT file for timelapse
-DSRT,--default-srt To cancel autosub usage and use
default SRT of the input video
-RFMPG,--raw-ffmpeg To use ffmpeg rather than ffpb
-sf,--superfast To make the ffmpeg encodig preset
to superfast
-KS,--keep-sh To keep final shell script file
(developer-option). Default false.
🎊 Happy automate!
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theapache64/auto-motion/master/update.sh" -q --show-progress -O update.sh && sh update.sh