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Tests Maven Central

Java library for Can be used to upload datasets as whole or incrementally. Written in Java. Can be used in Android projects.

How to install

The library can be found in Maven Central.


  1. Add mavenCentral to you repositories if it is not alreaedy there
repositories {
  1. Import the library
dependencies {
  implementation 'edu.teco.explorer:ExplorerJava:${VERSION}


Include the library as a dependency in pom.xml


How to use

Upload datasets as a whole

Recorder recorder = new Recorder("explorerBackendUrl", "deviceApiKey");
boolean res = recorder.sendDataset(JSONObject); // Dataset as JSONObject

Upload datasets in increments with custom timestamps

Recorder recorder = new Recorder("explorerBackendUrl", "deviceApiKey");
try {
  IncrementalRecorder incRecorder = recorder.getIncrementalDataset("datasetName", false); // false to use custom timestamps

  // time should be a unix timestamp
  incRecorder.addDataPoint(1595506316000L, "accX", 123);

  // This will throw an UnsupportedOperationException because no timestamp was provided
  incRecorder.addDataPoint("accX", 124);

  // Tells the libarary that all data has been recorded
  // Uploads all remaining datapoints to the server
} catch (Exception e) {

Upload datasets in increments with timestamps from the device

Recorder recorder = new Recorder("explorerBackendUrl", "deviceApiKey");
try {
  IncrementalRecorder incRecorder = recorder.getIncrementalDataset("datasetName", true); // true to use deviceTime

  incRecorder.addDataPoint("accX", 123);

  // This will throw an UnsupportedOperationException because a timestamp was provided
  incRecorder.addDataPoint(1595506316000L, "accX", 123);

  // Wait until all values have been send
} catch (Exception e) {