(= »The 100 Best Books – 1924 to 2024: The SPIEGEL Literary Canon«)
This canon was published in German weekly »Der Spiegel« no. 42 (12 October 2024, pp. 9–36, cf. their online edition, paywalled). The four-member canon committee included: Eva Horn, Jan Philipp Reemtsma, Miryam Schellbach, Joseph Vogl.
We transformed the canon into a machine-readable list and enriched it with metadata on authors and works (Author_Wikidata_ID, Author_GND_ID, Work_Wikidata_ID, Work_Goodreads_ID, Work_GND_ID).
Publication years were converted into EDTF format. This only really affects multi-volume works published over several years (of which there are five in total). We then specified the individual publication years, i. e. 1970–1983
→ {1970,1971,1973,1983}
We added publishers and publishing locations of the first editions of all works. By and large, this additional information is consistent, with a few exceptions. Heinrich Böll's »Doktor Murkes gesammeltes Schweigen« was first published in »Frankfurter Hefte« (1955), but we name Kiepenheuer & Witsch as publisher of the first book version (1958). Sometimes it was not clear where exactly the first version had been published, such as when a book appeared in East and West Germany in the same year, like Volker Braun's »Hinze-Kunze-Roman« (1985).
We list the works in the order in which they appear in the SPIEGEL print edition. In the online edition, positions 72 and 73 are reversed (Alexander Kluge and Terézia Mora).