Formal knitout (fnitout) is a modification on the knitout language ("actual knitout") that makes defining its semantics more straightforward. The up-to-date repository can be found here.
Formal knitout is stricter than actual knitout in terms of the space of valid programs. To check the validity of a fnitout program, run the following:
$ node fnitout.mjs <in.fnitout>
To translate actual knitout to formal knitout, run the following command:
$ node k2f.mjs <in.knitout> <out.fnitout>
The actual knitout files for the paper examples are found in examples
The actual knitout files were converted from actual knitout to formal knitout to be rewritten in our editor before being converted back to actual knitout.
Both the original small program and the enlarged version are included.