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Image Install Method

Cory Verellen edited this page Mar 25, 2018 · 27 revisions

Oasis Spa can be installed most simply by starting with a full pre-installed image. This method will allow you to simply download a full OS image and drop it on a SD card, put it in a Pi and boot it up. The only thing to do is to configure the web interface and if your tub has MQTT devices configure the Hallonlarm.config file.

In this WIKI page, the only instructions supplied are high-level. I'll assume you know you how to image your RPi SD card and boot it up.

  1. Check the releases, download the latest image file
  2. Unzip it
  3. Use some sort of image writing program such as Etcher to write the file
  4. Put it in your Raspberry and boot it.
  5. Run 'raspi-config' to setup stuff, and things
  • Advanced Option -> Expand File system -> reboot
  1. Figure out your Network Settings. Highly recommended that you make the address static, really. The IoT switches will be looking for a specific IP
  2. Open a browser, the DNS name of Oasis Spa is http://Oasis-Spa you may have to use http://RPi-IPADDRESS if dns isn't working for you. Play around! Feel the luxury. If only you had a Hot Tub to control
    7a. figure out DNS, your wife will thank you. Actually, she won't. She won't notice because it will 'just work'
  3. Configure Switches/Relays, Sensors to your specific setup. If you are going full IoT, then the quickest way is to have your Pump listen to tub/pump/relay/0 and tub/heater/relay/0 this is the default Hallonlarm.conf setup. Sensors need to be individulally configured, see Sensors Wiki section.
  4. You have ALOT to do.. Go build a hot tub. The software is done until you get the hardware setup and are ready to configure it all.

Usernames and Passwords

Web Interface: admin / 123456
SSH: pi / raspberry
PhpMyAdmin: root / raspberry