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Installing a Virtual Development Instance of Ilios

ucsflibtopfstedt edited this page Dec 15, 2012 · 6 revisions

A simple way of creating a development instance of the Ilios application is to use the tool Vagrant to create a quick virtual environment.

  1. Go to and download Vagrant onto your local system where you will be installing the development instance of Ilios;

  2. Go to VirtualBox and download VirtualBox onto your local system where you will be installing the development instance of Ilios;

  3. Download and extract the latest distribution of the Ilios codebase, or clone the code repository from GitHub;

  4. Open a command line and navigate to the base Ilios directory (in which you will see a file called Vagrantfile);

  5. If on a networked Windows machine, verify that the value for the variable HOMEDRIVE is set to the drive on which Ilios has been unpacked (eg, set HOMEDRIVE=C:);

  6. type the command, vagrant up

  7. Approximately 90 to 130 seconds later, Ilios should be installed. You can access Ilios via browser by going to https://localhost:8443

Additional Information:

To access the database, ssh tunnel to the virtual server (localhost:2222) using a client such as PuTTY (if on Windows), or use the command vagrant ssh (if on Mac OS).

Log in with the username: vagrant password: vagrant. from there you may access the mysql database using root (no password). Once in mysql, make sure to select the ilios_db:

-- vagrant@lucid32:~$ mysql -u root

-- mysql> use ilios_db

  • To destroy the instance at any time, use the command vagrant destroy

  • To re-instantiate the instance, use the command vagrant reload

  • To completely rebuild the instance from scratch use the command vagrant up

  • To restart the virtual machine and your existing dev instance after a shut down or restart, use the command vagrant up

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