#Academic Registration portal
- First install git by writing the following command in terminal:
sudo apt-get install git
- Install Python 2.7 by writing the following command in terminal:
sudo apt-get install python2.7
- Install Django by writing the following command in terminal:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
pip install django
- Clone the repo by writing the following command in terminal:
git clone https://github.com/theflyingmantis/registration
##Getting Started
Open the cloned folder using terminal.
To run, type the following command in terminal:
python manage.py runserver
Open the address :
To run admin, open the address
Username - admin
password - admin123 -
In admin you can:
(a) Add new user(Student/Faculty) along with details.
(b) Make faculty the branch representatives.
(c) Add courses.
(d) Add compulsary Courses for each sem for each branch.
(e) Add fees/dues of student which are to be paid online. -
For student:
(a) Pay Fees and dues before registration.
(b) Submit request to concerned faculty for elective courses.
(c) See the message received to him/her by faculty.
(d) See total Courses.
(e) Send Final Request to his/her faculty advisor.
(f) Take Printout of the signed receipt after it is approved by Faculty Advisor. -
For Faculty:
(a) Approve requests for elective for his own teaching course.
(b) Approve final request for students (of his own batch) if he is faculty advisor of a batch.
(c) See the courses he is teaching and the students registered in his/her course.##Some Screenshots