This is a simple e-commerce project developed using Golang and the Gin framework, embracing a microservices architecture. The system is composed of three microservices:
User Service:
- Manages user authentication using JWT.
- Handles user profile retrieval, update, and deletion.
- Implements basic unit tests for functionality assurance.
Product Service:
- Facilitates CRUD operations for products.
- Users can only update or delete their created products.
- Allows users to view product list and detail.
- Incorporates basic unit tests for quality assurance.
Order Service:
- Manages the creation and deletion of orders.
- Users can view lists, details of their own orders, and delete their own orders as well.
- Utilizes basic unit tests for robustness.
Below diagram depict the architecture of each service:
- Adopts a microservices architecture for modularity and scalability.
- Utilizes database transactions (commit and rollback) and pessimistic locking for effective concurrency control.
- Implements JWT authentication for users.
- Employs a Rate Limiter to prevent API exploitation.
- Integrates CORS middleware for secure cross-origin resource sharing.
- Utilizes SQLC for generating database schemas.
- Manages database migrations using Goose.
- Makes synchronous calls to other microservices using HTTP RESTful APIs.
- Secures APIs using different secret keys in headers to ensure requests come from within the project.
- Database: PostgreSQL for persistent data storage.
- Redis Cache: Enhances database performance and stores IPs for the rate limiter service.
- Monitoring and Alerts: Utilizes Prometheus and Grafana.
- Each microservice is Dockerized for easy deployment and management.
- Includes shell scripts to start all services at once and for running test cases.
- GitHub workflow automates unit tests when a pull request is raised to the main/master branch.
Clone the repository
Install below softwares/libraries
Navigate into the project and run this command
. It'll start all services one-by-one. -
Access the services using the postman collection:
To run unit tests, You can navigate to the respected service and run this command bash
The project includes a GitHub workflow that automatically runs unit tests when a pull request is raised to the master branch.