codingcircle contains the examples from the YouTube Coding Cirle.
So far, the following exercises have been covered:
- Autocomplete – implements an autocomplete feature using a trie
- Bloom filter – implements a bloom filter
- Busfactor – calculates the the maximum load of a bus based on events
- Clever max – calculates the maximum of two numbers
- Cons, Car, Cdr & co. – implements a cons cell and the corresponding functions
- Continous maximum – calculates the maximum of a sliding window
- Egyptian fractions – calculates the "Egyptian Fractions" version of a given fraction
- Fair coin toss – simulates a fair coin toss based on an unfair random function
- Fibonacci – calculates the n-th Fibonacci number
- Floyd – implements Floyd's cycle-finding "Tortoise and Hare" algorithm
- Heap – implements a heap from scratch, without using the built-in
package - Markov count – figures out how often states are reached by a Markov chain
- Parentheses – checks if a string has balanced parentheses
- Radix sort – implements radix sort
- Remove k-th last element – removes the k-th last element from a single-linked list
- Run-length encoding – encodes and decodes strings using run-length encoding
- Running median – calculates the running median of a sequence of numbers
- Tic tac toe – detects winnning states in a tic tac toe game
To execute the tests run the following command:
$ make