This project is composed of two parts:
- The inspector itself.
- The wrapper plugin that allows to easily use spring-access_inspector on any project.
This project uses java 21
This tool creates a table report to verify access control on Spring Boot routes.
It uses the Preauthorize
, Secured
or RolesAllowed
annotation from spring-security-config
It creates a table.html file with a list of your routes and their preauthorize.
If you want to directly use the inspector without the plugin, follow those steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Go inside the inspector folder:
cd spring-access-inspector/inspector
- Compile the code:
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.theodo.inspector.SpringAccessInspector
- Run the code (using maven exec plugin) and give it the path of the pom you want to analyze :
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.theodo.inspector.SpringAccessInspector -Dexec.args="/the_path/where/poms/are"
N.B: You may need to compile your code before:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
The plugin allows to easily launch the inspector by adding a plugin in the pom.xml of the project you want to inspect.
- First compile the plugin
mvn clean install
- In your
file, add the plugin inbuild/pluginManagement
as follows:
... Whatever...
- Then in your Shell or CI, launch the analysis:
mvn inspector:inspect