Best slow food is an application we as a group of 5 students are developing during our bootcamp here in Craft Academy Gothenburg using ruby on rails.
We're designing an app to make it easier for a restaurant owner and a customer to said restaurant to communicate by having system where you can both order or deliver food depending on your role.
And if you're just looking for a certain style of food you can find restaurants of your choice using our app locating nearby restaurants on a map for you.
You can take a look at it's current state right here
To run this on your machine simply fork and clone this repository to your computer and run these commands starting form the top:
$ bundle install
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
- Ruby (version 2.3.0) as a language
- Ruby on Rails (Rails as a framework
- Haml as a template engine
- PostgreSQL as our database
- Pivotal Tracker as our planning tool
- Cucumber for acceptance testing
- RSpec for unit testing
- Travis CI for continuous integration
- Coveralls for test coverage
- Devise for User authentication
- Paperclip for image uploading
- ImageMagick:
brew install imagemagick
- GhostScript:
brew install gs