v1.3.0 - Full Owl Carousel 2 API support
- many of the already existing but not used API parameters of Owl Carousel 2 were added with this release
- most of the Owl Carousel 2 demos are also configurable with this particle
- a more detailed listing of all the added parameters is given below
- multi-item display (item count, item space, item centering)
- advanced loop behaviour configuration and start position
- speed settings for different transition events
- configuration for drag option triggered by different events
- responsive refresh rate, visibility, easing, transition and animation options
- margin, stage padding and DOM elements configuration
- configurable direction, merge and merge fit options
- full responsive support of the original plugin
- slide options (background, responsive images, width, height, videos, ...)
- video support
- URLHashListener
- auto heigh, auto width and mouse wheel navigation
- Gantry 5 breakpoints added were necessary
Additionally the whole backend was reworked to fit the new settings. Hence #3 is now fixed.